Chapter 9

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In her meditative state Rose did not notice being kidnapped. Once they had her tied to a wall in a sex dungeon did she come too. She  looks around herself and thinks "Okay I spaced out too long." Looking around with not just her eyes but her magic as well it tells her she is under ground and that there are some wards every where. Thou it is weak she could send a sign to every one that she is here but when in when in the enemies camp might as well get the villain to spill his plan so she could come up with a counter. So she hung there waiting for some one to come. A few hours later a man walks in. Rose guessed it was the guy they call the Master who kidnapped her on her birthday.

Master," Well, well, well lookie here we got the towns guardian."

Rose trying to play dumb says," What guardian?"

Master," Don't play dumb with me bitch! I know your the towns new guardian."

Rose," I just moved to town because my parents pasted away. I was suppose to live with my ailing great aunt, but she passed before I got here. All I know is I inherited a house and some money. But then you kidnapped me on my birthday and I guess again today. I still don't understand why."

Master," Stop lying, I know your the guardian and that you are coming into your powers. You will gift them to me or I will make you my eternal slave. Then again I am going to use your body for my pleasure and entertainment weather you have powers or not."

Rose," Ew! Your going to rape me? SO not nice. Any ways you say I have powers, what type? I always wanted powers then maybe I could make some real friends. "

Master," You have powers and we will make you show us so we can take them."

Rose," Again I wish I had magic but hay only a young female adult here.

Master," Stop lying, fine if it is the hard way then so be it." Two men walk in and Master says to them," Strip her then tie her to the cross. Get my toys ready as well. We are going to have some fun with our little guardian here." With that said he  walks out the room as the men walk towards Rose  she feels her magic well up inside her. Rose is quick thinking says," If you remove my chains I will undress myself."

One man," But what is the fun in that?"

Rose," Well he did say to put me on the cross. Your going  to have to unchain me anyways."

The second man," You know she is right."

They unchain her and she pops away scaring the men. When she looks around herself she sees that she is back in the her room at home. She could tell no one knew she was missing. This upset her but she has bigger fish to fry. Rose came to understand a few things. One she can control love as in create connections or break them. Or out right use it to control some one. Two she knows the out come of using said powers you might ask how. It came to her as she was chain to the wall. She very well could of just popped out of the chains but she wanted them to think some one else grabbed  her from them like last time. Her plan is simple redirect attention from her while setting them up for a big fall. Rose also came to understand that she can not hold out on mating any more. Knowing that they use sex  as a control she decides to allow her mates to mate her. But she has to figure out should she do it one at a time or as a group. Which is kind of scary. Having three males direct all their attention on you at once can make a girl very uncomfortable. Weighing every thing out she goes down stairs to find her mates and Puck watching a soccer game. Rose," Really? You are sitting here watching a game while the forces of darkness kidnapped me and where going to rape me!"

Luke," What? You have been a sleep up stairs for three hours."

Rose," No I went out side to the garden to meditate when the Master and his goons kidnapped me!"

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