Chapter 5

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Rose open her eyes and looks around, she is no longer chained up. Also the room she is in is white with flowers every where. Rose check to see if she has any clothes on and finds she is wearing a white silver dress which fits prefect. Fear crept up all over her. Rose gets up and starts looking around frantic. She sees a path in the flowers so she fallows it in hopes to getting out and finding home. The path leads to a beautiful ethereal pergola. It is surrounded with white roses, also a young woman with white silver hair sits inside waiting for Rose to come.

They Lady says to Rose," Please come and sit. I was just enjoying some Rose tea, Rose would you like some as well?"

Rose looks a pound her  thinking but blurts out," How do you know me? where am I ? And who dressed me?"

The Lady responds," Please sit I used my magic to put clothes on you. I brought you here to bestow on you gifts and knowledge."

Rose fear and anger rose in her but asked," What do you mean?"

The lady looks at Rose with worry and resediments," I am here to tell you who you really are and what you are." 

Rose taking a seat and replies," What do you mean?"

The lady," I am here to tell you who you really are and what you are." She tries to explains to Rose.  

Rose exclaims," Who and what I am? I am human and just a normal every day girl!"

The lady tries to explain to Rose," You are so much more than just a girl. Your parents where gods in a way. Their bodies where mortal but their spirits where gods. You inherit both threw them. So you are basically a mortal god. You are charged with protecting this town which is a hub for the supernatural in this world. Think of it this way this town is a harbor for our kind. They need to pass threw here to go to other realms sort of  like a portal to multiverses."

Rose looks at the lady as though she lost her mind," Hold up are you saying there are more worlds than just earth and stuff?"

The lady says," Oh yes many times many."

Shocked and shook Rose just stairs into space. She tries comprehending what the lady just said to her." So I am  a human goddess charged with protecting a portal town from what? Evil beings and humanity?"

The Lady takes a sip of her tea and says," Just about right but its so much more."

This was all it took to set Rose off," What the HELL! I was drugged, almost raped when you took me and now your saying I have powers and I have to protect a whole town on my own?!"

The lady tries to calm Rose saying," Oh no, not alone. You will have mates and the counsel and friends to help you threw all this."

Rose catches the mate word and says," Hold up mates as in multiples?"  

The Lady," Yes they are currently looking for you. Here is what you need to know, you are a goddess of love and nature. You can control both could be for good or evil. Some will try and take your powers but it wont work. You are powerful and yes you have three mates, triplets. Each with their own gifts. They will protect and guide you. You also have a servant/ slave thanks to Oberon. Puck forever punishment is that he service to you and your family. Your mates are unique being triplets with the power to change form. A gift for them but sadly none for you."

Rose responds with trying to understand," Hold up your saying I have 3 soulmates that can change forms plus a permeant servant that will be with me! This is very unbelievable. There is no way this is happening. I am having a break down. I am have lost all my family, this is my grief manifesting a illusion.

The lady looks up from her tea and says," Nope your sane as the next person."

Rose looks at the lady with a sassy look and says," Your so  not helping me right now."

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