Chapter 59

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Grab some Hobi water or skip this chapter if you are uncomfortable! 

*Time Skip*

*Taehyung's place*

Taehyung was sitting in his room with his old laptop on his lap.

His eyes were sparkling going through some old photographs and videos of him and Soo-ah.

''You call me selfish...I know I'm selfish but why does my heart still hurt for you?''

''You call him your best friend but wasn't I your best friend too? Once...?''

He threw his head on the board of his bed being exhausted.

He looked at the wall blankly.

The old memories started flashing before his eyes.

''Ugh! I can't get you out of my head!''

He looked away!

''Is it too late now to say sorry? Because I miss you.......I miss us....together.''


A single drop of tear fell across his cheek.


Jungkook held Soo-ah by the shoulder and said, ''How are you feeling now?''

Soo-ah took a deep breath and said, ''Relieved.''

Jungkook looked back at her smiling.

''Not because I'm here but because I'm here with you. My true best friend!''- said Soo-ah looking into his eyes.

Jungkook tucked her bangs behind her ears.

He kissed her forehead by pulling her closer.

Soo-ah hugged his warm body closing her eyes.

''I will always be there for you no matter what!''- said Jungkook.

''And me too!''- said Soo-ah pressing her lips against his.

She felt as if the whole world has stopped around them!

Soo-ah found herself standing on the bridge of the Han river after ages. Relieved and happy with her true best friend!

She couldn't be happier!

"Thanks for everything....."

''You wanna go somewhere?''- asked Jungkook.

''Let's go to a long drive.''- said Soo-ah.

''Wow! Someone is excited today!''- said Jungkook.

''Why shouldn't I be?''- asked Soo-ah folding her arms.

''The credit goes to the best boyfriend!''- said Jungkook proudly!

''Yes.''- said Soo-ah pecking his cheek.

''Aish!''- Jungkook smiled shyly.

''Now focus on the road.''- said Soo-ah turning on a romantic song on the radio.

''Oh yeah......''- said Jungkook while driving.

Soo-ah chuckled at him.

*Time Skip*

It was a beautiful morning. Taehyung opened his eyes as the sun rays woke him up by peeping through the window.

He looked at the clock rubbing his eyes.

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