Chapter 4

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Allister's Pov

I wait for Amora to go back into the tent and immediately turn away and run towards the scream.

I push through soldiers standing in the middle of the clearing surrounding the bound fire

They seem oblivious to the scream.

I pass the medical tents and towards the front of the building where general pop is being held.

I enter a large holding area with cement floors that have at least 300 people separated into sections by metal gates . I walk through the middle path separated by two large gates and into a room in the back

My eyes catch on the hundreds of people I pass bunched together sitting on the floor some coughing some laying almost passed out on the floor. I turn my face from them and stop before the two soldiers standing in front of the door

"James, is the colonel in there?" I ask my squad member on the right.

"yea. Dante is in there as well " he says before opening the door for me and loudly shutting it After me

I see a woman strapped down to a table surrounded by a group of doctors that I don't recognize except for  jenny I walk around  them to where Dante and the colonel are sitting

"AH! star boy where have you been?" the colonel pulls me in for a hug

"I was just picking up my rations," I say as I look to the woman as she begins to seizure and buck against the straps that keep her in place.

"What happened to her?" I question as I walk to stand next to Dante

"I guess she was bitten before she got here and when she was getting checked out she just fell over and then they brought her here to watch over her," Dante whispers in my ear

we both watch as the doctors proceed to inject her with some sort of clear liquid and she immediately convulsed and lunges for the male doctor that was nearest to her and they eventually hold her down long enough for whatever they gave her to work and she stops moving altogether. The doctors immediately ask the male doctor if he's okay and he quickly reassures them that he is fine before excusing himself to go to the bathroom.

The colonel turns to us before saying

"you see, these "zombies" are creatures that we have no knowledge of whatsoever, we need to use every chance we get to examine them and figure out what is going on, this is a worldwide emergency." The colonel explains

"yall should just kill it and put it out of its misery," Dante says looking at the thing in disgust

"kill it?!" he questions dumbfounded

"kill it?! do you think we will get anywhere if we kill this MONSTER? we have already lost contact with France, Russia, Singapore, Australia, and all of GREAT FUCKING BRITAIN." The colonel releases a deep breath to reign himself in

"We must learn everything we can to figure out a way to get rid of these .. things." he turns around and looks back at the woman on the table

"you both are dismissed." He says without looking at us.

"sir." we both salute him before turning to walk away

"What is his fucking problem?" Dante says as we exit the room and walk through the pathway and back outside

"yea... he's definitely being weird." I agree with him as we come to a stop behind the building in front of the tents

"keep an eye on him for me ?" I ask

"sure thing.'' we fist bump before turning our separate ways.

there is no way we have lost contact with that many countries.

I make my way to the tent all the way to the left past the bond fire,  where they are holding all the radios and technology

how good have they been hiding all the bad shit that's been going on.

when were first brought in they told us that things were mostly under control and that we just needed to worry about the random outbreaks.

I enter the tent

"jacky! tell me what going on" I say to the small Asian girl that sits at a table pressing a headphone to her ear that is connected to brick-sized green radio

"star boy? where the hell have you been?" she questions as I take a seat next to her

"Around. " I put my elbows on the table "Is anything happening on the comms?"

"Well star boy, I don't really have any good news for you. every station is almost dead. We have been able to keep contact with the bases in Virginia, North Carolina, and fort bening, but even those lines are mostly static."

she pulls out the headphones that were attached and flips through each channel demonstrating the radio silence."I hoped that wasn't the case." I sigh and hang my head.

"I know Its hard to keep hope in this situation, but keep your head up, we will be fine," she says as she plugs the headphones back in

I check my watch, 1 am. i should probably get to sleep. I stand up

"thanks jacky." I say while heading out of the tent

"No problem." I head back to the soldier's tent. I shove my belongings off the bed and crawl my tired body into the bunk before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

Hey guys it's me again ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡
Someone dm'd me that my chapters are out of order, I have been trying to fix it, but every time I change it, it just reverts back
-so if you guys could just make sure to read carefully over chapter 5-6 thank uuuuuu ♡

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