Chapter 27

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Amora's POV
I walk to the center of the hospital and stop.
Where am I going?
I don't even know where my moms is-
Mom? I shiver, I haven't said that name in a long time, it kinda leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
My thoughts stray off when I see a woman pass me with a lab coat
"Um- excuse me, I'm sorry but do you happen to know where I can find Dr. Mendez?"
I rub my lips together waiting for her response
"Which Dr. Mendez, Marlen or Carmen?" She bites on a pen in her hand
"Uhhh, Carmen." I nod
"She's usually in the labs in the west wing."
She says before walking off
"Thank you." I yell after her and make my way to the west wing
I make it up to the west wing and peak into each room to until I see her staring into a microscope.
I nock on the open door
"Can I come in?" I say quietly.
She gaps startled . She looks up at me before quickly removing her glove's
"Yes of course, I was just looking at some samples, that I got from some previously bitten patients" she waves me in
I cautiously walk in
"So I decided I would give it a try." I bluntly put it
"Oh! I'm so glad, estás haciendo su madre muy feliz! Thank you for doing this for me!" (Your making your mother very happy)

"Let's make this very clear before I do anything. I am not doing ANYTHING for you, don't make this some soppy family reunion, where we fix our bound. I'm doing this because I want to get back to my old life and not have to run and hide the rest of my life. Me entiendes Carmen?"( Got it?)
This smile quickly washes from her face, and I feel a tinge of guilt, no- she's the one who left me.
"Okay, um well you can have a seat over here." She moves a rolling chair out so I can sit.
I take a seat and remove my jacket
"So today I'm just gonna be checking your vitals, and I'm going to take a blood sample, then your free to go."
She begins to check my blood pressure
"Your blood pressure is a little high, but that's not a big deal."
She then checks my ears, eyes, and my throat.
"Okay all good, now I'm just gonna take a little blood sample." She open a Cotten pad and doused it in alcohol, the cool liquid removes all grime and impurities on my arm.
She quickly ties a piece of rubber around my arm to calls my blood flow
"Your just gonna fee a little pinch." She shoves the needle into my arm and I flinch.
I watch as she draws my dark blood into little canisters.
"Hmmm, your blood is a lot darker then what I usually see,"
"Is that a bad thing?" I furrow my brows
"No, on the contrary, this might be our saving grace."
When she's done she bandages me up and she tells me that she will come find me later on.

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