Chapter 31

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I limp out of the south wing and out the doors.
I'm in complete pain as Allister leans most of my body weight against his.
The sound of helicopters bounces off the northern part of the hospital.
"We gotta get Emi." I try and pick up my pace
"Wait." He stops walking and I rip my arm out of his and continue waddling forward
"...Amora, wait." He voice is more demanding this time
I stop in my tracks gripping my fist
We don't have time for this,
"We need a plan first, we can't just waltz up in there with no strategy."
I lean over with a groan before standing back up and covering my face with my hands before running them over my messy hair
"It sounds like the Helicopters are over in the Northern, maybe even the Eastern part of the hospital, we can make it to the south wing and then take off through the forest until we find something, or somewhere to go." I shake my head tiredly
"...Amora . You Can't Walk." He reminds me as if I didn't notice my current situation.
I press my fingers to my temple and shake my head again
"Yes I can."
"How are we going to get her if you can't walk ?"
"I'll figure it out, we need to go."
I try to walk off but he grabs my arm
"What if you wait here, I'll go get them and bring them back to you and we can leave from here."
"You're in pain, please Amora."
"No I'm coming, so let's stop wasting time."
He releases me with a sigh before wrapping his arm underneath my shoulder helping me walk

We peak over the south wing to where about half of the soldiers are huddling together under tents  trying to figure out who's attacking them
We scan through the crowd for Dante
Allister spots him speaking on the radio with a group of other men
"You go get Dante, I'll get Emi." I try to pull away.
"No we'll get Emi then come back for Dante."
"No It's faster if we split up ."
I peak through the window on the door and look at everyone running through the halls in disarray
Allisters grip on my waist gets tighter

He's worried.

I turn to look him in his eyes
His eyebrows are furrowed and his forehead is covered in sweat and grime from the rumbling building
I grab onto the collar of his uniform
"I'll be careful, I promise."
His face is still unsure but gives in
"I'll get him and as soon as I'm done I'll come back to you ."
He grips my chin
"You understand?"
I nod and we separate splitting up
I limp through the double door and climb the stairs to our room
Or what's left of it
Fallen Hospital beds litter the floor. Broken IV bags wet the halls.
I wince as I lift my injured leg over a fallen machine
I really hope she still in here.
I cross the hall to our room and slam the door open
I spot Emi and Jen huddled together in the corner of the room
"Amora?" Emi sniffles as she shakes off the fallen dust and scraps from the cement coming off of the collapsing building
She takes off from her position and wraps me in a hug accidentally shaking my leg
"Careful." I wince
"Your hurt, where?" She pats me down for injuries
I lift my leg out to show her the giant bruise now forming from the needle
"Mother and Daughter date gone wrong." I joke bitterly
"What did she do to you?" Emi face erupts in anger
"It's too long of a story to tell now, we gotta get out of here, Allister is already getting Dante,"
Jenny crawls out of the corner and wraps her arm around me in soft hug
"You don't know how worried we were, we couldn't find you anywhere, and we still don't know where María is"
Her face turn from relief to in pain
I gasp as I remember our missing member
"Maria... fuck, I can barely walk, I can't go out searching for her."
"We tried already, but we couldn't even make it through the building with all the rubble falling, what do we do?" Emi says flailing her hands as her eyes begin to water
"...we need to meet up with Allister, we don't have time to-" I cut my self off not wanting to finish the sentence
My heart it feels like it's ripping into a million pieces
Another person gone, separated from us.
I will my body to move but my conscience pushes to stay and look for her.
"We need to go, there is nothing we go do for her now, and she wouldn't want us to dye in a collapsing building trying to find her."Jenny says leaning towards the door.
"...yea let's go." I Limp over to my makeshift hospital bed and snatch my bag from underneath it
I make sure my clothes and things are still inside before throwing it on my back
Emi and Jen do the same with what little they have and we exit the room
We go down the stairs when another explosion goes off now on the east wing
The shaking resonates all through out the building causing us to grasp on to the rails until it stops
We hear screams and cries of people ring throughout the hospital.
We move to go forward When a women covered in dirt and bleeding from her head
Comes blasting into the wing startling us.
"HAVE YOU SEEN ANY OF THE DR. MENDEZ'S?!" She slides to a stop at the stairs in front of us
"no, why?" Emi quickly lies
"THESE PEOPLE ,ARE HERE, LOOKING FOR THEM, THEY ARE-" she gasps as a look of horror takes over her face
" THEY ARE KILLING PEOPE- EVERYONE- KIDS TEENS- EVERYONE UNTIL THEY FIND THEM." She finishes before taking off through the doors
We all give each other a scared glance before standing up and continuing our way through the doors.
We spot Allister and Dante talking with some of the other soldiers
One of the soldiers passes Dante a piece of paper and Allister pats him on the back grabbing his attention before pointing at where we stand.
Allister snatched a back pack off the floor and they slowly backs away from the tent
When they are sure no one is paying them any attention. They start running and when they get closer to us they nod their heads towards the west wing and we follow
Everyone sprinting off in that direction.
Allister makes his way to me and bends down for me to climb onto his back
He hands me the back pack he picked up and then scurries off to catch up to the others

We get to the middle point between the south and west wing
We all gather in a circle
Dante pulls the piece of paper the soldier gave him out of his pocket, he unfolds it to show a map.
"Straight through there." Dante points to the middle of the lushes Forrest surrounding us
"We run through there and walk 13 miles, when we make it out, we will come across a river we take this river until it connects with another river for a total of 6 hours, from there we will find a trail, the trail will lead us to the boarder of Tennessee and Georgia, where we will find a cabin, completely empty, surrounded by nothing."
"How do u know about this empty cabin, "
Emi says throwing her hair into a ponytail
"Well... Yesterday I was talking to Jay, this guys I used to go to boot camp with, Allister I don't know if you remember him, he had curly hair, but not like curly-"
"Hey! Stay focused." Emi snaps her finger to bring him back
"Sorry, Well jay said that His grandfather had a cabin on the boarder or Georgia and Tennessee that he used to go visit during his vacations as a kid, and well his grandfather passed before all of this happened, so he said when he was done with all this shit, he was gonna make his way up there and settle down away from everyone."
"How are we supposed to stay there, if he's gonna make his way up there any day?" I slap my hands together on every syllable emphasizing my words.
"I didn't finish, well the thing about Jay is... he got caught in the falling rubble earlier, and he is well -" Dante runs his thumb across his neck while sticking his tongue out demonstrating what happens to his dear friend
"Oh no," Emi and Jen furrow their brows
"Yea... BUT! Good news, he was an only child, and ... his parents, aren't alive, so absolutely no one will be there, that's doesn't sound like good news on his part huh?" Dante makes a yikes face
"Okay, um so how long will this whole trip take?"
I say glancing down at my pain filled leg
" if we go all the way, with no breaks, about 12 hours."
That's just great, I don't think I can get too far on this leg, but I guess I don't have a choice Do I?
" we should get going." Allister bend over again so he can carry me on his back .
"Wait, Where is Maria?" Dante says realizing she's missing
"We didn't know where she was, and we couldn't wait for her, so..." we all took a second to mourn our companion, not knowing if she was alive or dead, or caught up in the mess, hoping that she is okay we turn our backs from the hospital and go on our way


Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated, I was starting some new classes and I got a little caught up, But I'm back now!!!!
I think I'm going to try to start uploading every Sunday, but we will see how things go <3

And I feel bad for having to leave Maria behind , but it just had to be done (╥︣﹏᷅╥᷅)
- I also think I should give Emi a companion, cause she's kinda alone, or I might just give her, her own book, idk let me know what you guys think! 🖤

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