Chapter 16

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Amora's Pov

The days after our rescue mission were quiet and calm.

Mark was getting better, and my wound was basically heeled.

After a tiring day of work, I lie in bed next to Allister.

unable to sleep, I watch his unconscious face.

He's been attached at my hip for the last couple of days.

I watch as his clear forehead scrunches up, I wonder what he's dreaming about.

I turn back on my side and I look at the curtain-covered window.

The pale blue sky peeks through as the sun begins to rise.

my eyes drift to the clock above our bed.


my eyes go wide as I hear the sound of ruffling come from outside.

I sit up on the creaky old couch bed. Allister wraps his bare arm around my waist to kee me in place.

I sit still listening for more sound.

I hear the fences being shaken.

I remove Allister's hands and stand up.

I quickly crawl past jenny and Dante and peek through the window.

I see no people, but my eyes do catch the new hole that has been put into the fence.

I crawl back to Allister.

I place my hands on his naked chest and shake him.

"what, go back to sleep," he grumbles.

"something broke through the gate." I frantically whisper to him

"huh?" he blinks his eyes open.

"Something broke through the gate, we need to check it out." I pull him to sit up

he moves to sit up and crosses his legs, he tightens the waistband of the joggers that jimmy lent him.

I stand up and pull him over to the window.

"there, look." I point at the hole.

"Oh, let's go see what it is."

Allister moves next to Dante and flicks him on the forehead.

"wake up." he says plainly

"huh? move." Dante swats away his hand

"Zombie broke through the fence," he tells him

Dante sits up and leans over.

"I'm tired." he whines

"let's go." Allister says

"what's going on?" jenny reaches to the nightstand and puts her glasses on.

"A zombie got through the gate," I tell her

"oh!" she sits up.

"let's go kill it!" she stands up and pulls Dante to his feet.

we all put our shoes on before making our way downstairs

we make it to the kitchen.

"get the riffle off the counter." Allister says to Dante

Allister quickly pulls the curtain to the back door away and throws the screen door open

when he freezes

"Put your hands up." a calm voice says

Allister puts his hands up before walking backwards and to the side unblocking my view of outside.

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