Chapter 38

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I know you guys r soooo mad at me for not posting, but I was on vacay.
But I'm back now <3<3<3

Allisters pov

Spicy warning ⚠️ 🌶️

I quickly storm out of the cave
Grabbing my water bottle,I rip the cap of the water bottle and take a sip.
Once I walk far enough from the cave I lean against a wide tree and let out a puff of air
I look down at my raging hard on
"Fuck." I sigh
I didn't even do anything and I'm like this.
What the hell am I thinking she just lost her best friend and here I am trying to get into her pants
Fucking Asshole of the year
I Kick some dirt up near the tree stump trying to relieve some of my tension
My thoughts run back to Amora.
The sadness that seems to be pouring out of her.
Her usual warm eyes seem dull, stripped of its warmth.
And her plump sunny skin, is but a pale and limp shadow of her former happier self.
A much happier self that was always present around Emilia.
I wish that I could've at least carried her body back to be buried, but I didn't have the time or strength at the moment.
I myself have been running on fumes.
I've probably lost 15 pounds in the last couple of months alone.
I shrug my now lose fitting clothes on my shoulders.
Fortunately for this thinking session my hot blood was able to calmed down.
I turn on my feet and make my way back to camp, back to Amora
She's probably asleep already.
Like a wave pulling me back in, an image of Amora laying on her side flashes through my skull, and as if I'm nothing but an animalistic male, want comes hounding with a rush blood to my member...
This is gonna be a long night.

Amora's pov

By the time it's dark out, both Dante and jen have settled up near the fire to sleep.
Soon enough I feel Allisters warm body settle behind my back.
He wraps his arm around my torso and places his jaw on top of my head before I fall back into a deep sleep.

When first light hits my eyes the fire has been put out and Dante and Allister stand outside of the entrance of the cave with the map in hand discussing The best route to go.
I blink away the sleep in my eyes and turn to Jenny
Her faded red hair sprawled around her head.
Her eyes are distant as she stares at the now steaming ash of wood
"What are you thinking about." I ask before I get the chance to think
It's silent for a second I assume she didn't hear me but eventually she answers.
"My family"
It's short and clipped in jennys usually tone
" you want to talk about it." I ask unsure of what to say
"Um" she blinks a few times then shifts her bag under her head and looks at me with a soft smile
"Yea, they own- well I suppose it's owned now. They owned a luxury chocolate shop, and they loved it. It was always busy from sun up to sun down. And after years of begging I finally convinced them to close the store and go with my siblings on vacation. They were on a cruise- when everything went down, trapped in the middle of the ocean." Her eyes are foggy and distant.
"They called and left messages but at the time they didn't have wifi so I didn't get them until the captain who locked himself in the wheelhouse eventually docked the ship but by then everyone had turned and I was shipped our to the camp to work, so I couldn't leave, and even if I did leave what could I have done... it was already too late. It just sucks, you know?"
Her eyes uncloud and she sits up, putting her glasses on, while wiping her eyes.
"Yea, it really does, but, fortunately for you, you got stuck with a group of recently orphaned adults to keep you company." I giggle
"That actually doesn't sound to lucky does it?"
I give her a soft smile
She looks like she's on the brink of laughter, but instead more tears come out.
She reaches over and grabs my hand gently.
"We'll be okay, it just takes time."

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