Date 1

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Time skip to 6:30 pm cause I'm a lazy biatch :D

(Yuu's POV)

30 minutes before the date and I was freaking out. I was never this nervous before...maybe because it's my first date with another male. 

I quickly put on charcoal-ripped jeans along with a dress shirt and a green tie (yes don't ask I legit make all of Yuu's clothes black and green). I stopped at the doorway where a full-length mirror was, checking myself out. Only then did I realize I needed to gel my hair. It was too messy for a fancy date.

Soon after, I quickly threw on my favorite coat and dashed outside to the midnight-colored limo. Damn, Guren must've thought this date was really important cause he's spent THIS much on a limo and the dinner reservations...I wonder why... Climbing inside, I sat myself down on the plush leather seats. It was luxurious...but it felt lonely and made me shiver (although there was warm heating coming from all sides of the car, embracing me and calming me down slightly). I decided to stare out the tinted windows and watch as snowflakes cascaded towards the ground from the sky, contributing to the thousands of snow piles that were shoved out of the way on the street. 

I repeated my target's name, just in case I stupidly forget it.

"Mikaela shindo..."

(Mika's POV)

I changed into a suit with a sky blue tie then used gel to slick my hair to one side. I looked good enough I guess. I was simply going for the classy, stereotypical 'businessman' look. I hated these dates, but I needed to follow Ferid's orders and 'lOoK aStOniShInG~'. I grabbed my indigo coat and climbed into the car prepared by Ferid. The car took off, with just the occasional crunching of the tires crushing icy flakes that froze on the roads.

I had already memorized the name of my target, as his name was quite easy to remember.

Yuichiro Amane. Be ready.

(Yuu's POV)

I arrived at the restaurant 2 minutes early, telling the woman at the desk near the front of the restaurant that my reservation was for 2 in the VIP room, and that yes, Guren Ichinose was the one who booked it. Shortly afterward, she led me through the restaurant and into the VIP room. It was simple yet beautiful and it was quite nice to feel like luxury while sitting down on the comfy chair. Until I realized I was here on a date. With a stranger named Mikaela Shindo. Who was also the man that I'm supposed to eliminate on our 3rd date. 

I started to panic until I heard voices and footsteps leading towards the VIP room. The waitress entered with another man and I felt as if the wind had been knocked out of me.

(Mika's POV)

I was quite sick of these 'dates' that Ferid made me go to for missions. Every date I went to I disliked, even if we went to the most luxurious place on earth, the people I went on dates with were snobby, rude, and stuck-up. They contributed to my list of people that piss me off. Especially the fact that I have to go on dates with people I have no interest in irritates me a lot. I wanted to feel that sense of happiness from going on dates with the one you loved the most, not going on pointless dates with random people that got on my nerves.

This date is gonna be the same as the others, I thought.

Oh boy, how wrong I was.

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