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(Yuu's POV)

The 4 words that slipped from Mika's lips kept echoing through my mind. Runaway? Together? To where? Other questions that bombarded my brain were not helping me process this. I couldn't possibly go. I had Guren waiting for me back at the office, waiting for good news. Plus I still haven't killed Ferid...

However, my heart yearned to go; to explore the length of the world with Mika. I needed to escape this hell of a job and live a normal life. For once, I would be able to sleep peacefully under the sheets without having to be half alert in case someone attempted to attack me in the middle of the night or something. I would be able to enjoy the scenery around me without needing to look carefully at each nook and cranny, to find any clues or hints about anything suspicious. 

"I'll go", I spoke, Mika's smile lighting up the room, "but one question".


"Where are we going? If we go somewhere too obvious our bosses could track us down and bring us back, which means we need to go..."

"Yep, overseas."

"Okay, but I have a small favor"

(Mika's POV)

"What is it?"

"I want to write a short letter to Guren, a goodbye letter."

"Okay, Yuu-chan, just try do it quickly."

He nodded and grabbed a piece of tissue from the dispenser above the sink, a black pen appearing in his hand. Wow, he's quick, I thought. I didn't even notice him taking the pen out of his suit pocket. Impressive.

After we left the bathroom, Yuu-chan went to the waitress and told her if a man that goes by the name Guren stops by, give him this note. She eyed him weirdly while giving a curt nod. Well, I guess it was pretty strange to receive a note written to someone on tissue paper. Yuu-chan turned back to me, giving a thumbs-up sign, and I extended a hand.

He took it, and we left the restaurant. We stopped outside the restaurant and stared up at the midnight sky, a lone moon and thousands of stars scattered across the length of the sky, sharing light and guidance along the way. I looked back at Yuu-chan to see that he was already staring at me, and I pulled him towards me.

(3rd person POV- wew haven't done these in a long time)

All those that eyed them from the windows could only see two lovers embracing, sharing a kiss under the array of stars that shined upon them from above, a bright moon hanging above the two directly in between. They then broke apart and ran hand in hand toward the horizon, their shadows bouncing on the buildings close-by, and disappeared into the night, never to be seen again.

*The end*

A/N AAA THIS STORY IS FINALLY FINISHED *sobs* sorry if the ending was kinda boring :') I'm going to be adding one more chapter to this story so you guys can vote on what I should write for my next story! Byee~

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