The next morning...

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(Yuu's POV)

The next morning, I was hit with a whiff of fresh pancakes from the kitchen. The bed was cold and lonely as Mika had already left the room. I wanted to lie down under the sheets with Mika and snuggle my head into his chest... 

I abruptly sat up. Remains of drool dripping from the corner of my mouth. I quickly wiped it away and went to wash my face, embarrassed if Mika saw me in such a horrid state. After I had done I walked towards the kitchen, where my eyes landed on a heavenly sight. 

Mika, wearing an apron with pink polka dots on the front, serving pancakes as golden and fluffy as his hair. His face lit up as soon as he saw me leaning against the doorframe, watching him.

"Good morning Yuu-chan!"

He exclaimed, gesturing for me to sit down. I stayed in the same position I was in, mouth still gaping open as I looked at him. Imagine being able to have a god serve you pancakes in the morning. He cocked his head to one side questioningly, a look of "why aren't you sitting down or saying anything?" written all over his face. He then looked down at the apron and asked:

"Like what you see?"


I quickly slapped my hand against my mouth as I said that, instantly regretting it as Mika giggled. How could a sexy man be such a cutie at the same time??? What a jackpot. Anyone who could ever have Mika would be so lucky...

"Anyways", he said, snapping me out of my trance, "Why don't we eat?"

(After eating the pancakes)

"Soo Mika."


"When should we have our next date?"

My palms started to sweat but I clasped them together, hoping not to show any signs of me being nauseous to him. I don't know if it was just me but for some reason, Mika looked as nervous as I did. He kept fidgeting with a few strands of his golden locks as he said:

"How about tomorrow? It's Christmas."

We agreed, and Mika left shortly, still looking nervous for some reason.

(Mika's POV)

I woke up quite early the next morning, feeling something lying on my chest. I looked down to see Yuu-chan sleeping peacefully, a bit of drool trickling down the edge of his lip onto his chin and shirt. I smiled, feeling like the luckiest man in the whole world. A small thought popped into my mind. Pancakes. I knew Yuu-chan loved those and it was also one of my favorite foods, so I decided to make some fluffy pancakes for a surprise breakfast. 

I slowly got off the bed, careful not to wake Yuu-chan, and headed to the bathroom to fix my bed hair. After that, I walked towards the kitchen and washed my hands, and got the necessary ingredients and equipment. I found a pink-polka-dotted apron and put it on, smirking evilly as I imagined Yuu-chan's flustered face in my mind, gaping at what I was wearing. Then I started cooking. 

Not long after I finished making the pancakes, Yuu-chan came to the kitchen and leaned on the doorframe. As I turned around, his jaw dropped, and he stared. I mentally punched my fist in the air as I stared back, trying to play innocent as I stared questioningly at him. I then smirked, asking if he liked what he saw. He immediately replied yes and covered his mouth. His face flushing a deep crimson color, and I giggled, telling him to sit down so that we could eat.

After we finished eating, Yuu-chan asked when our next date was, and I started to get nervous. I kept touching and fiddling with my hair, hoping Yuu-chan didn't notice I was overly panicking. However, I saw he clasped his hands together so tightly the blood looked drained, his hands a ghostly white color. I quickly shook it off as him just being nervous about our 3rd date as he had told me he had never gone on a date with anyone before. I suggested tomorrow, Christmas, at a bar downtown.

Even after I left, all I could think about how dreading tomorrow was. The first Christmas that would probably lead me to hate the Christmases yet to come. As well as that, something else kept nagging at my mind. I kept thinking back to the picture of Yuu-chan and his dad. I knew he looked so familiar but I couldn't tell why, or who that man was. I thought I was just getting a little restless after waiting for tomorrow that my brain started acting weird. No way I had seen that man before from Ferid. I mean, Yuu-chan is a normal civilian, so his dad must be the same. They aren't related by blood though...What if he's a dangerous man and he's been planning to do something horrible to Yuu-chan. I don't want that to happen. No. I won't allow him to hurt Yuu-chan.

That was what I thought until I remembered I was meant to kill him. 

A/N Hi guys! This story is gonna finish soon :( I had a rlly fun time writing this but don't worry, I'm already planning my next story^^ I might ask you guys to do a vote in the comments about which story you would like me to write so look out for that :>

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