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(Yuu's POV)

Once we entered through the small doorway, I wished I had cleaned up the house properly. I quickly ran inside first. Crumpled pieces of clothing including shirts, pants, and socks were littered around the house. I gathered them all and tossed them into the hamper in my closet, shutting it quickly with a small thud.


I ran out of my room to find Mika sitting down comfortably on the plump couch. I told him to choose a movie while I made some popcorn and two mugs of hot chocolate (extra marshmallows on top of course!) in the small kitchen next to the living room.

I set off to work, determined to make Mika the best hot chocolate he's ever had in his whole life.

(Mika's POV)

As soon as we stepped inside and shook off the powdery snow from our jackets, Yuu-chan ran inside, skidding on the slippery hall floors, leaving me alone at the doorway wondering if I should go inside or not.

I cautiously walked towards the door at the end of the hallway, opened slightly to reveal the warmth from the bright light that seeped through the crack. Stepping inside, I mumbled a small phrase of "Excuse me for intruding" and checked out my surroundings.

His house was quite plain, there were basically no decorations to lighten up the atmosphere except for a (large) pile of pillows stuffed in one corner of the room next to the TV. There were at least 3 sources of light in just that one room, causing the bright light to evenly distribute guidance into every nook and cranny. On the left, I spied a lone wall-shelf displaying 2 picture frames; one with a younger Yuu-chan and a man elder than him, probably his foster dad; another of Yuu-chan with a girl around his age with long purple tresses. In the first photo, young Yuu-chan was smiling widely, looking up at his father, while the father held his hand and looked down at him, smiling slightly. Upon looking at the father, I felt like I had seen his face before somewhere, except I couldn't quite place my finger on it. I waved away my thoughts, focusing on the second photo where the purple-haired girl was grinning brightly, clinging onto Yuu-chan's arm while he looked quite bored but still smiled faintly. I laughed at his cute expression but felt a sinking feeling at the pit of my stomach when I saw that girl's filthy hands clinging onto my Yuu-chan.

"wait...did I just say...MY YUU-CHAN?" I screamed in my brain.

"Yuu-chan" I quickly said, sitting down on one side of the couch, trying to shut out that weird thought from my head. I don't know why, but that photo of Yuu-chan and the girl seemed to anger me quite a lot. Was I perhaps...

Yuu-chan frantically ran out from a room that I assumed was his bedroom, calming down after seeing me sitting on the couch. He told me to choose a movie, while he prepared some snacks. I agreed, choosing a horror movie to see if he would freak out or not, wishful thinking of him clinging onto my arm and hiding his tomato-red face in my chest...

I eyed the pillow tower in the corner of the room, an idea popping into my head. I quickly got to work, making a compact yet comfortable pillow fort for the two of us to chill in while watching the movie. I was quite pleased with my work as I stood up, admiring the fort from all sides when Yuu-chan came out of the kitchen, holding a bowl of popcorn and placing it down on the floor in front of the pillow fort. He smiled, warming even the coldest of hearts (AKA mine), and walked back to the kitchen only to return with two steaming mugs of hot chocolate with (nearly) overflowing marshmallows on top.

The fort I had built was made so that one person sat down first against the pillows, with the second person sitting in front of the first, between their legs, and laying their head on the first person's chest (I know what ya'll are thinking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ). I was the first person, so I put my weight fully on the pillow fort that was leaning against the sofa; which I presumed was sturdy enough. Yuu-chan blushed faintly as I patted the space between my legs (why r ur minds so dirty :D-), and he handed me my hot chocolate. He put the bowl of popcorn on his lap, making it easy for me to reach over his shoulder to grab a few and taste. Its buttery smell made me drool (in my mind of course or else Yuu-chan might feel disgusted and ask me to leave). It smelt so good. The hot chocolate looked and smelled more delicious than any other hot chocolate I've ever drank before. It was special, as it was made by Yuu-chan. I took a sip, burning my tongue in the process but feeling the worth. Its sweet burning sensation worked its way down my throat, a warm feeling in my chest as I felt the warmth from the hot drink circulating my body.

(Yuu's POV)

Mika had chosen a horror movie to watch, which honestly I didn't think was scary at all cause I had faced scarier things than this. Compared to those other things, this horror movie was not scary a bit. However, I fake jumped slightly whenever there were jump scares, just so it was less likely for Mika to realize that I was going to assassinate him on our third date. I really wasn't looking forward to it.

Mika and I blushed a lot whenever I fake jumped, turning around and hugging his body, burying my head in his neck to seem like I was frightened by the movie. Honestly, I thought I did well in pretend fake jumping. But I guess not everyone is a star at acting.

During the middle of the movie, I stared at the clock on top of the TV for a second before realizing how late it had gotten. It had just struck 11:00 pm on the clock and by then the night streets were probably getting frozen to death, so I invited Mika to stay the night. Of course, he accepted which I was grateful for but I remembered that my room had no space for another futon on the floor. Which meant he had to sleep on the sofa or...

With me.

I cleared my thoughts, telling myself I would deal with the situation after the movie ended. I leaned my head comfortably on Mika's chest, not even paying attention to the movie anymore as there were no more scary bits to jump at. All I was thinking about was how calming the sound of Mika's heartbeat sounded, the soft thump thump thump of sweet blood pumping throughout his body until I felt my eyelids drooping. Drooping to a point that I couldn't keep them open anymore, and fell into a deep sleep.

A/N Hey guys! Wow, I'm impressed I finally wasn't lazy and decided to write more than 300 words for this chapter. More than 1000 actually. Hope ur enjoying the story so far! Rmb to type any recommendations for this story in the comments section and recommend this story to ur friends! I would rlly appreciate it^^ SORRY I REPUBLISHED THIS AGAIN AS WELL

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