Date 1 pt 2

270 9 1

(Yuu's POV)

The moment he stepped in, the iron walls around my heart crashed down, breaking, shattering into a million pieces. Thousands of warm, excited butterflies madly flew around in my stomach, occasionally making somersaults mid-air. I felt as if there was a spotlight on him, and only him. The star of the show whom everyone wanted to see.

His blonde hair was slicked sexily to one side, his bright sapphire eyes glinted against the dimly lit lights in the room. The room could not compare to the beauty I saw in front of me- Beauty??

I couldn't believe I was thinking in such a foreign way.

It felt as if time stopped for an eternity, as we gazed into each other's eyes. His sapphire eyes pierced into the depths of my eyes as if he were searching for something. No. He stared so intensely I thought he was reading my mind, or that he knew all the deepest, darkest secrets inside the depths of my heart.

An uncomfortable cough was heard from the waitress, causing us both to rip our gazes away from one another and to the waitress as she placed 2 menus down on the round oak table in the center of the room. She quickly excused herself and told us to press the button on the side of the table when we were ready to order. 

Yet another silence continued after the waitress left, except this time we looked away from each other. I realized I probably stared too intensely at his beautiful face with his sapphire eyes, pale skin, and oval face framed by gelled, golden locks. He coughed, causing me to look up at him as he slightly stumbled his way over to my seat and introduced himself, breaking the silence. 

"I'm Mikaela Shindo...but you can call me Mika."

"I'm Yuichiro Amane but everyone calls me Yuu."


"HUH? The hell is Yuu-chan"

"Your new nickname" he replied, laughing.

His laughing reminded me of a tinkling bell, it was sweet, and my heart felt like melting upon hearing it.

"No way!!!" I shouted, quite flustered by the conversation.

*After we finished ordering*

"Yuu-chan~" he said, leaning over the table and whispering in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I had never experienced such a wonderful yet strange feeling before. 

In the heat of the moment, I pulled on his sky-blue tie that was hanging loosely around his neck, a few centimeters away from my face. His confused expression soon changed into a slight smirk as his face inched towards mine. 

My eyelids fluttered shut, instinctively waiting for the sweet, light pressure on my lips.


The door groaned open, and we sprang apart, slightly panting from all the sexual tension from before. It was only the waitress from before serving the food, drinks, and distributing cutlery wrapped fancily in a golden embroidered cloth napkin. After she left, I dared take a glance at Mika. He was still staring at the place where the waitress stood. His side profile looked so handsome...

Wait. Handsome...?

His sudden talking interrupted my thoughts, and we started chatting. I was quite a cold person to everyone as I had never really experienced that feeling of being cared for or loved, however, Mika was an easy, outgoing person and soon loads of things slipped out of my mouth carelessly. I couldn't believe one stranger made the iron walls I had developed these past years come crashing down like it was just a tower of foam blocks stacked on top of one another.

Soon the clock crept up to 9 pm, so we decided to leave the restaurant, and Mika insisted that he walk me home.

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