Date 2

215 8 6

(Yuu's POV)

I groggily woke up to the blaring beeps coming from the alarm I set. The red digits on the face of the clock read 11 am- 1 hour until our date. I dragged myself towards the bathroom and stared at my reflection, praying I didn't look as horrible as I thought I would. Swollen eyes, messy hair stood out at random angles around my face like a lion's mane. Sighing heavily, I began to get myself ready and walked out of my office to go home and change. 

Even with my head down, I could tell there were several pairs of eyes staring at me curiously, wondering why I was keeping my head down and not greeting anyone. I spotted a lone purple head in a sea of black and brown heads, so I quickly went down another hallway to avoid one of the people I didn't want to see. I sped down the hallway, spotting the exit and practically running out of there. I ran all the way back home, continuously glancing at my phone screen to check the time. 11:34 am, it read. Around 30 minutes left until I meet Mika again...!

I arrived back home, slamming the door a little too enthusiastically for the neighbors, who I knew would come banging on my door soon enough to complain their asses off. I couldn't care less- I was meeting Mika! 

I changed into a more casual attire; black skinny jeans, a long-sleeved, black and white striped shirt, and a green scarf. The clock read 11:45, and I panicked yet again, running out the door and slamming it loudly. 

I arrived at the park blanketed by a sheet of white snow. A few trails of footprints were the only remains of those who were once at the park, sitting on the benches with steaming cups of coffee and hot chocolate from the nearby cafe. The whole park was deserted except for a single person sitting alone on one of the park benches, rubbing his gloved hands together and blowing on them, hoping to generate some heat while waiting for another. Stealthily, I snuck up behind him and lay my head on his shoulder, waiting for his reaction. He slowly turned his head toward me and stared at me, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Only then did I realize how close our faces were, but I quickly moved my head off his shoulder and set next to him, wiping a bit of snow off the seat. 

"Hey, Yuu-chan"

He said. A visible blush crept up my pale skin as he called me by my nickname. We started chatting again, all the while gazing up at the cloudy skies above, as small snowflakes spun and danced around, falling around us and onto the snow, shortly forgotten after their small performance. I rubbed my frozen hands, suddenly aware that I had stupidly forgotten my gloves at home. I was too focused on getting to the park on time that I had run out of the house, forgetting to put them on. Mika must've noticed because he grabbed my hands, sandwiching them between his and holding them securely. Warmth spread through my entire body as he held my hands. The butterflies returned, swooping through the air inside my stomach. 

We went to a restaurant afterward and had some lunch, walking around the snow-covered streets, looking at shops, and occasionally stopping for some snacks. By then, it was already getting late so we decided to eat some dinner and Mika would drop me off at my house.

 (Mika's POV)

I slammed my hand against the stupid alarm clock, which gave me a 5-second headache every morning and a slightly sore palm, sliding off the comfortable bed and walking towards the bathroom to fix myself before my date with Yuu-chan. My face became hot and a tingling sensation ran over my body like electricity every time I thought about Yuu-chan and his cute face.


I brushed it off, thinking it was normal to think your friend was cute, and continued fixing myself. It seemed now every time I spaced out, all I was thinking about was Yuu-chan. He kept appearing in my mind, making me daze off into a Yuu-chan daydream. I guess I kinda did like him...

When I checked the time on my phone screen, it read 11 am. I quickly grabbed my keys and phone, and ran out of the house, setting off toward the park me and Yuu-chan said we would meet up.

I arrived at 11:55, 5 minutes early. There was no one else at the park, so I sat down on a random bench and waited patiently for Yuu-chan to arrive. Christmas was around the corner, so all around on the busy streets were workers putting up glistening decorations such as tinsel and mistletoe in malls and on street lamps, customers running around frantically holding bags of presents for loved ones. I watched the scene, slightly jealous that many people had loved ones and they could give presents of appreciation to them. Something lay down on my shoulder, and I glanced at it to see who or what it was. I stared into a pair of familiar emerald eyes, smiling in relief at seeing him again. 

The rest of the day flew past in a blur, and by now it was already 9 pm. We had just finished eating dinner and were walking back towards Yuu-chan's house. I noticed his hands were shaking violently from the cold, so I grasped one of his hands, squeezing it comfortingly. The vibrations immediately stopped and I glanced up at him, only to be met with a smiling Yuu-chan. 

Soon, Yuu-chan's house was in sight, and I sighed, disappointed that the end of our date was nigh.

I didn't want it to end.

A/N Ack I don't exactly like this chapter :") Sorry if my English kinda sucks- Anyways,, I'll finally be able to re-publish the chapters I deleted before!

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