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I woke up groggily, my body sore and hot. Groaning, I pulled myself upright to study my surroundings. My head swam at the vertical position, my eyes creaking open to find the bedroom covered in bright morning rays.

A heaviness fell from my waist and I looked down to see a bare arm in my lap. I knew it was Darius' by the gold watch he sported. "Imported from overseas", he would say.

I slowly pushed his arm from my body, and stood from the bed, finding tatters of my favourite dress hanging lazily from my hips. My body ached with every step, tears pooling in my eyes as I made my way to the bathroom.

Not only had Darius stolen my life, but he destroyed everything I seemed to love. My privacy, my favourite things, my choices, my body...

Wincing, I pushed the bathroom door open and turned on the water to run a bath. I avoided looking in the mirror, not wanting to see the mess that I surely was as I grabbed a towel from the cupboard. I could feel the knots in my hair from where they pulled it, the bruising on my hips, jaw, waist and shoulders from where they held me a little too tightly.

Once the bath was half full, I pried off my dress, wincing as I bent over to get it over my thighs. Climbing into the bath, I sighed in satisfaction as the hot water ran along my skin. The hairless skin on my legs stung under the temperature but I liked the way it burnt slightly; it took the pain away from the bruising aches.

I relaxed into the bath, enjoying the way the water swirled and washed away my pain. I heard Darius wake and leave without disturbing me, making his way downstairs. Only when I heard the buzzing of the microwave, did I pull myself out of the cooling water. Once dry, I wrapped the towel around my chest as made my way to the mirror.

I physically flinched when I caught sight of myself. I could only imagine what I looked like before the bath, but I bet it screamed exhaustion. My hair was wet so flowed down my back out of the way, but it revealed the marks they left upon my skin. My neck was covered with bruising bites, I believe Darius called them love-bites, but they didn't feel very loving. I hated every time he put his teeth and mouth on my neck.

My shoulders had the faint outline of where fingerprints have been, my throat slightly darker from where they forced my mouth upon them, or my head into the bed. I shuddered at the memories, pushing them far, far away from my mind.

Today was the Spring Festival and I was going to enjoy it, no matter how sore I was.

Covering my skin with make-up, I dried my hair and got dressed into a high neck blouse and skirt. My legs had luckily not been covered in any marks, only aching with every step. I pulled some medication from the vanity and took some in hopes to alleviate the pain.

Making my way into the bedroom, I dropped my towel into the wash basket. I knew I would have to go down and face Darius. He seemed to be lingering in the kitchen, waiting for me. I descended the stairs, taking my time to admire the growing rays of sunshine through the large windows.

Walking towards the kitchen, Darius' voice floated through the air.

"Oh, there you are sweetheart, I wondered when you would come down." He smiled at me. "Have a nice bath?"

I was always sceptical of his mood changes. He could flip them like a switch. He was sated for now, so I would tread lightly in hopes of enjoying my day.

"I did." I nodded, coming around to stand across from him.

He grinned, moving around the island to pull me into his embrace. I tensed under his touch, even as his hands wove themselves gently around my body. I knew better than to relax so comfortably. I would in the past, and he would take it for granted. I could never trust him again, and now the one person I thought was kind to me, turned out to be just as evil as my so-called fiancé.

an Everlasting PursuitWhere stories live. Discover now