forty one

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It took me a while to prepare myself to go down for dinner after what happened with Asra. If my mind wasn't already mush, then it was definitely a pile of mash potato now.

First, whatever the hell happened in the bathroom and following with the confrontation.... It was like the small rendezvous never even happened. What did this man want from me? He made it very clear a few weeks ago, and now I was getting more confused. He seemed secretive in nature, but I was getting major whiplash. And now he wants to tear me to pieces? To sink his teeth into me?

Did this man even like me or was my human-ness too much of a tasty treat?

He was part human. Did that make him a cannibal?

The thought of having to go down there after what just happened did not appeal to me, so I stayed in my room steaming over it for a while. I was still clad in just my towel when Piper came bursting into my room. Her dark eyes darted straight to my bed, narrowing in suspicion.

"I would like to ask why it is taking you so long when dinner is almost ready, but the towel seems to tell me you are behind schedule." She hummed, crossing her arms. "However, I can see that your hair is mostly dry and your skin is no longer pebbled with water."

Rolling my arms, I adjusted the towel at my chest. "And?"

She stepped further into my room. "Let's get you dressed."

Sighing, I dropped my gaze. "I don't want to go down to dinner."

"Was it because of the new alpha?" She asked, taking some clothes from my dresser.

I shivered at the memory of him, my mind totally focused on Asra to remember the creepy alpha. Was he going to be there at dinner?

"He is down there. It is courtesy of us to host him a dinner." She frowned. "It was called... seven minutes ago and will start in twenty-three more, so let's hurry before this is an embarrassment."

She gestured for me to stand, and I did so with a groan. Taking the underwear from her, I dropped my towel and pulled it on. I focused on stepping one leg at a time and didn't realise she was standing in front of me expectantly.

"What?" I wondered.

She pointedly made a show of flaring her nostrils. "You smell of... sex."

My cheeks flamed. "I have not had sex!"

"Oh, and the alpha stench is just an accessory?" She snorted, lazily grinning. "You reek of his..."

"Don't you say it." I narrowed my eyes.

"Jizz." She laughed when I groaned.

"That is an awful word." I muttered after she stopped barking with laughter.

"Would you prefer I use cum? Or semen? Or... bodily fluids?"

Her giggles filled my room once more, and I groaned with embarrassment. When she didn't stop, I threw my towel in her face and she stumbled backwards. Sobering up, she grinned at me before passing me a dress.

"What happened?"

"A competition." I stated, running my hands over the soft fabric.

She quirked an eyebrow. "Of sex?"

Shaking my head, I pursed my lips. "He came storming into the bathroom whilst I was... enjoying myself in the shower."

Her eyes bulged with amusement. "Go on..."

"Said that he thought someone was touching me." I rolled my eyes.

She squealed. "Like a knight in shining armour."

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