thirty six

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My feet barely touched the ground as Asra's large hand wrapped around my waist and lifted me into his side. With one arm, he carried me away from the table and I stared wide-eyed at Piper the further he walked. She blinked once, twice, three times before her lips curled into a cunning grin. My hands gripped Asra's bicep tightly as he supported all of my weight in one arm. How could someone lift an entire human with one arm?

Before I could even gauge my surroundings, we were back inside. The sudden lack of light had me snapping to my senses, and I increased my grip on Asra's hand.

"What are you doing?" I gasped. "Put me down!"

He grunted and ignored my order, as always. "No."

Carrying me down the hall, we turned towards a large wooden door. He pressed his thumb into a strange device beside the doorframe, causing it to click and, I'm assuming, unlock. With his spare hand, he pushed the door open and stepped inside.

He placed me on my feet and I openly complained a profanity in his direction. No sooner did I get a glimpse of the large wooden table, when I was suddenly surrounded by his scent. I blinked away from the shiny computer to find myself entrapped by Asra's dark blue eyes.

Swallowing the next complaint down, I took a few steps back to gain some distance. He followed every two of my own steps with one of his until my back hit something solid and my hands darted out to steady me. Glancing away quickly, I found I clasped my fingers around the side of an upholstered chair. I think Eve called these moon chairs?

Frowning, I lifted my gaze back to find Asra was still directly in front of me. His toes touched my own, his chest almost brushing mine. It was heaving as he took large lungfuls of air, but it was his eyes... So intense and daunting, I dreaded to think what was going on in that mind of his.

But dammit, he couldn't just handle me like a bag of shopping!

"Why the fuck did you carry me in here?" I snapped.

He blinked harshly, his head recoiling at the change. As if realising his stoic stance, he took one step back and shook his head. Running a hand across his chin, he scrutinised me once more. He was infuriating. Full of arrogance and bravado and way too handsome for his own good... Ugh! No!

"What?" I huffed.

"Why are you not afraid of me?"

I blinked, dumbfounded. "What? How is that anything related to what I just asked you? Is your brain turned on, Alpha?"

His eyes narrowed. "Very much so. As are my eyes."

I cockily tilted my head, crossing my arms along my chest. Pouting, I ran my eyes along his jean clad form before clicking my tongue.

"I'm glad your eyes are working, but I think you should get your ears tested, Alpha."

He growled lowly. "Calling me Alpha will not give you the effect you desire."

I paused, noticing how his eyes lit up as he spoke. Dammit, he was enjoying it? I hoped it irritated him. Being called it in such a way was meant to be degrading.

"What do you want, anyway?" I sighed, flexing my fingers against my ribs.

His eyes noted the movement, that intense furrow of his eyebrows returning. He took that single step closer once more, his earthy scent reminding me of fresh rain. This man was wild, in and out.

His hand suddenly raised, and I automatically flinched, recoiling my head away from his outstretched palm. His frown deepened, but he didn't move closer until my eyes shyly met his. I waited with bated breath as he inched his hand closer, slower this time.

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