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Eve was the one to wake me the next morning. She abruptly stormed into my room, shouting that it was nearly lunchtime and I was sleeping too late. I grumbled, rolling over to glare at her.

"I didn't realise you were my mother." I groaned, lifting my head from the pillow.

She snorted, and it was then I noticed the large box and pole by her side. Despite the aching in my body and the sleepy fatigue, I pulled myself to sit and eye her curiously. She grinned when she noticed my attention, placing the large white box at the foot of my bed.

"What is that?" I wondered.

"It's your ticket to a pain-free life." She chimed.

My eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

"We have given you only the best medicine; I just have to wash my hands and hook it up to an IV drip." She grinned, walking into my ensuite.

I waited patiently for further information, eyeing the box with scrutiny. The sound of the taps cutting off met my ears before Eve came out and began pulling on some gloves. She grinned at me before popping the lid of the box. I leaned closer, making sure she wasn't messing with me. Inside the various components of the box, was a bag with a label on. I didn't get a good enough look at what it said before she was pulling the tubes from the box and slamming the lid closed.

I eyed her suspiciously, especially when she came towards me with a damn needle in her hand.

"This isn't going to turn me into a wolf, is it?" I narrowed my eyes.

She laughed, shaking her head as she set some things on the tray. "It's just to heal up the wounds. I promise it is nothing more than that."

Waiting for her to continue, she pulled the five feet high pole towards me and hung some random tubing.

"We're really doing this right now? In my bedroom? As I have just woken up?"

"Yep!" She grinned, pulling an opaque bag from the box next. "Before you wake up fully and refuse."

I frowned as I watched her link the rubber looking tube up to the unfamiliar bag, but held out my arm when she asked me to. The needle pierced my skin, connecting me to the IV easily. She distracted me for a moment, placing a plastic film looking plaster over my skin. It wasn't until I looked away from her hands did I see the red liquid flowing through the tube and into my arm.

Eve grinned when she noticed what I was staring at, not at all fazed by the red liquid.

"Is that what I think it is?" I gasped, wide eyed.

"That? Oh, just a blood transfusion. It's like liquid gold." She shrugged.

"You said medicine!"

"Well, I also said something to help heal you." She giggled like she hadn't just tricked me.

Catch me whilst I was sleepy so I wouldn't notice until she plugged it into me, and kept the bag opaque... smart move.

"Why do I have it? Who's blood is it? Why do I need it? I'm fine." I exhaled noisily.

She giggled, shaking her head before tapping the bag. "You have it because it helps heal you better. All those aches and pains, those angry red lines will fade away... It is werewolf blood. We have amazing cell reproduction, and since you are human, it will give you a little boost."

Great, so I was going to turn into a werewolf... no-one kill me, I don't want to be a dog when I wake.

"That's... peculiar." I sighed, watching the blood drip through the tube.

an Everlasting PursuitWhere stories live. Discover now