forty nine

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I lingered in the dining room longer than I should've done. Asra had been gone for the rest of the meal, including when the servers came to take the dishes. By the time only a couple dozen people lingered in the dining room, I eventually turned to find Piper. She was busy talking to another man rather animatedly, and I felt bad for wanting to interrupt her.

I did not know where Asra went, but luckily for me, one of his henchmen still lingered. I wrung my fingers together before approaching Everett. His dark brown hair had recently been trimmed to rest in unruly waves to his ears. I assumed it was because of the summer that he cut the extra two inches off. He stood talking to a wolf, his arms crossed as he sternly nodded at the opposition.

When I got close to hearing range, his brown eyes flickered to me before he raised a hand and dismissed the wolf beside him. Stopping a few feet in front of him, I spared a glance at his heated gaze. His eyes ran along my body, narrowing in on the bruising along my jaw. I watched as his jaw clenched, his ears twitching with the movement.

He said nothing, merely watched me with those intense eyes, so I brushed off the intimidation and levelled my gaze with his. His eyebrow quirked with interest, but I kept my face passive.

"Could you please help me find Asra?" I asked.

The eyebrow didn't drop as his eyes darted between my own. A slight nod in reply, and he dropped one of his arms to gesture for me to walk out of the room. I followed the gesture, casting a glance to see Piper watching me curiously from over the shoulder of her friend. I gave her a small smile, shrugging her questions off lazily.

Once in the hallway, I slowed my pace to look up at the Delta with questioning eyes. "Uh..."

"He is in the study. I was going past there; I will show you the way." Everett explained.

His voice was deep, rich, with a slight accent. It complimented his looks rather wonderfully. I nodded, giving him a small thanks as he once again gestured for me to walk forward. Instead of leading the way, he stayed a step behind me, directing me with slight gestures or words down the expanse of hallways. I thought it was curious, the way he controlled the situation, but his colossal form never wavered and took over.

Once outside the study, he stopped in his tracks, looking down at me expectantly.

"Thank you." I murmured.

He nodded once, glancing down at my throat once more before continuing down the hallway. I watched him go, my curiosity greater than ever at this silent, observant male. Turning back to the door, I held my breath as I debated what I was going to do next. My heart raced with nerves, wondering why he even wanted me to follow him.

I raised and dropped my fist about three times before giving in and clutching my hands at my sides. Why can't I just knock? It's not like I was about to die. He just wanted to talk to me, right?

Before I could debate any more, his door swung open.

My eyes widened with surprise, looking up to find his eyes filled with humour. They were deep blue, crinkled at the sides as he smirked down at me. One of his hands wrapped around the top corner of the door, the other holding onto the door frame as he loomed over me.

"Are you going to come in or keep standing here like a lost lamb?" Asra wondered.

I swallowed; eyes too locked in on his muscle to think any clearer. "Okay."

One eyebrow raised with amusement and he pushed away from the door frame to allow me to enter. I scurried inside his study, keeping my eyes locked ahead of me as the brush of his fingers graced my hair.

The door shut softly behind me, his heavy footsteps coming to a stop behind me, causing the hairs on the nape of my neck to stand. His hand came to the middle of my back, pushing me towards a chair. I sat down in it, eager to escape the tantalising touch of his hand. Asra moved around the front of me, leaning against his desk.

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