fifty two

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TW; fight/blood

As the cry of my soul mate's name left my lips, the arm around my waist tightened. A hand snaked up my middle, fingers securing themselves around the middle of my throat. I startled a gasp, hands rising to pry the fingers from my windpipe.

Asra stood in the doorway, his shoulders broad and chest heaving with every breath. He was nude too, his skin covered in various splashes of blood. Claws extended, canines flashing as he snarled at the male holding me. Blake was stiff, but tried to play off his nerves by laughing cautiously.

"Alpha, what a pleasant surprise." Blake chirped, causing Asra to snap his teeth. "Pray tell, why you felt the need to slaughter my entire force?"

Asra didn't care for his teasing, his black eyes fixed on the hand around my throat. "Release her."

I shuddered as the deep vibrations of his beast wrecked my nerves. Blake had the audacity to laugh, the loud bellows vibrating my back.

"The human?"

No, the alien serpent behind you!

"You had no right to take her." Asra snapped.

"How could I resist? A tempting human, a creature so easily manipulated and controlled." Blake hummed. "She was just teasing me, in her little bikini, all soaking wet. A simple drug was all I needed to grab her from your land."

He squeezed my throat, causing me to gasp in alarm when his claws punctured the skin. I could feel them sink into my flesh, the warmth of my blood dripping and pooling in my collarbone.

Asra's nose twitched, inhaling my scent, before he seemed to freeze. A slow blink, his eyes travelling the length of my body before his head titled. I watched with struggling breath as his tongue darted to wet his lips before a frown curled them distastefully. It reminded me oddly of a reptile, but it only made Blake laugh.

Asra's teeth clashed, anger coating his expression. "You hurt her! You touched what is not yours."

Blake smirked. "Come on Alpha, she is just a human. What else is she good for?"

The next few seconds were a blur. One moment, I was losing precious oxygen as Blake's claws sank into my throat, and the next, I was flying. My head smacked into a nearby cupboard, disorientating me. It was nowhere near as bad as the pulsing in my neck, though. My hands darted up in alarm. The deep wounds from Blake's claws had torn the skin along my neck. Blood coated my palms and my stomach churned with nausea.

I was going to pass out again.

Through bleary, tear-filled eyes, I looked up to find out what had happened. Asra and Blake were scuffling, a mass of muscled limbs and blood blurred together along with the sounds of teeth snapping together. It wasn't long before one was prevalent, and I scurried back when Asra forced the taller male to the ground.

Asra was livid, his entire body shaking with adrenaline, the need to hurt the enemy engrained deep in his soul. He was pure wolfy right now, fur sprouting on his arms as he pinned Blake to the floor. Blake was gasping for air whilst the blood from my neck continued to poor. I coughed, my chest rattling as I hacked up phlegm.

Spitting onto the floor, blood splattered instead of the usual. "Asra..."

I must've not been loud enough because he was still fighting to pin the other alpha down. I whimpered, wheezing for breath as I looked for something to relieve the bleeding. A couple of cupboards down was a tea towel hanging from the handle, and I dragged my weak body to pull it from the door. It went with a clatter, just as Asra growled.

Placing the towel around my throat, I glanced up at the fight.

"Submit to me," Asra snarled.

Blake growled, arms and legs pinned beneath Asra. "Get off me! You have no claim on her!"

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