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Something irritating stirred me from my deep slumber. An incessant beeping hounded my senses, rousing my mind to force my eyes open. A brightness that caused me to groan and move my head away from the penetrating light, partially blinded me.

It was then I realised I was lying on something firm but soft, a warmth encasing me. Frowning, I peeked my eyes open again to survey where I was. The beeping continued, picking up in speed and an itching began under my skin in certain places that had me grumble.

Finally, adjusting my tired eyes to the light, I blinked through the blurs. I was in a small room, white and sterile. A reflective screen sat on the wall at the foot of my bed, a table beside my head. Beyond the table were monitors, one of which showed fuzzy lines and increasing numbers. My eyes trailed from the machine to find wires sticking out of it, following them until I came to a stop at my arm.

Some kind of drip lay in my arm and I assumed they were for electrolytes or medication, but I couldn't help but wonder why. I felt fine, so why was I in a hospital?

Then came to realise I also had a mask on my face, helping me breathe. I weakly rose my hand to pull it from my chin, taking in a loud breath. The smell of disinfectant and food met my nose, and I looked around for the source.

There was nothing in here, so I assumed it was coming from another room and travelled through my door. It had been a while since I had eaten, my mind unable to remember my last meal or the taste of food in my mouth. Or even how I got here in the first place...

I was about to explore further when the door creaked open and a woman entered. Too preoccupied with the clip file in her grip to notice my staring, I observed her cautiously. She came to stand at the foot of my bed and I took in her features. She was a stranger, with dark hair, skin and eyes, and not from my village.

I grew uneasy.

In repercussion of my emotions, the heart monitor picked up its pace, the awful beeping hurting my ears. Why was everything so sensitive?

The stranger's eyes snapped up to stare at the monitor before falling to me. They widened, her mouth parting in surprise.

"You're awake!" She gasped.

I assessed her reaction carefully. Feeling exposed and restricted on the hospital bed, I knew I stood no chance if she hurt me.

"I will go get the doctor!" She gushed before running from the room.

Doctor? Why would I need a doctor? Why was I here when I felt fine?

It wasn't long before footsteps grew closer and the door swung open once more. A tall man walked in, his arms taut and muscled as he gripped the clipboard in his hand. The shocked nurse scurried behind him, staring at me like I was a new specimen.

"You're awake."

I frowned, scowling at the doctor. Way to state the obvious.

He smirked, shaking his blonde hair from his head. "I'm Doctor Hemmings, but you can call me Doctor Seth or just Seth."

I remained silent, my unease never leaving. I could feel my heart picking up in pace, my fight or flight flooding my veins. He hummed, watching me closer before scribbling things down on the clipboard.

"Nothing to be nervous about! We will not hurt you. We're just trying to make you better." He rushed. "I just want to ask you a few questions and then I will answer any of yours."

I nodded gently, keeping my eye on the two of them as they moved closer. Licking my lips, my throat felt dry and unused. How long had I been asleep?

"Now, do you know why you are here?" He asked, and I shook my head. "Temporary amnesia is normal after a traumatic experience, especially for your species."

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