𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟷

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I LOOKED UP as a shooting star passed by the night sky. One then another followed after that. The only thing I was trying to do at that moment was to keep my stance and remain relaxed as the beautiful guy next to me looked up at the sky as he lifted the cigarette to his lips.

Both Hades and I sat on the cold grass, somewhere in the middle of the campus. His knees pulled up by a little bit, his elbows on each of them. I sat crisscrossed.

"How is it that you decided to even become a cri-" I began but he cut me off.

"I didn't."

"Then...how did it happen?" I asked cautiously. He only continued to look up at the darkness above us.

He puffed out a cloud of smoke then laid the cigarette onto the grass and put it off. I observed his movement as he placed his arms on top of his knees again as he played with the silver rings on his tattooed fingers. He seemed as if he was in deep thinking, not knowing where to start. I knew that whatever he was going to say next was going to answer so much as to why he is who is right now.

"Eight years ago on my birthday, my parents were murdered." I paused, looking at him for a while, only to see he was entirely normal. Not an ounce of sadness. That explains why he didn't want to say his birthday. God, I wouldn't want to either. I decided to keep my mouth shut and listen.

"I was turning eighteen. My parents were in deep shit with people. Well, my dad was, mostly. Before he met my mother, he helped with drug dealing, corruption, and gambling. He helped get money from gambling. He was an expert, that's why they needed him the most." Hades said as he clenched his jaw, looking down. "When he met my mom, he wanted to change for the best. For her. He stopped helping these people, even when he was threatened the most. They eventually moved away from Washington and left to live in Switzerland, thinking it was the best way out. He was smart to not leave any tracks or anything that would leave any trace of them behind. Not far along, my mom got pregnant with me.

"They lived a normal life, just like anyone else. But of course, that was just the calm before the storm. When I was five years old they were on the run for another good full year. These people going after him were not only going after my dad now but also my mom and me. Year sixteen of living was the most menacing for me. It was when I began to understand what my father used to do and the whole story. Both of my parents were the most loving people you would meet. You would've never guessed my father did what he did. I never knew how he ever got involved in such shit, but he did." My mind was racing with so much dread for this family. For Hades' family. It was all so much deeper than I thought. I was almost afraid as to what else he was going to say.

"They died when I turned eighteen. They were both shot on the head twice," he said, looking as intimidating as ever. He didn't seem keen and too controlled than five seconds ago. "We didn't have any close family. My father being the fucking rebel he was. My mother only deceived her parents, running away." He shook his head as if just recalling how his parents were.

"They fucking died, leaving me behind. They led me out of that house before I can get killed. They sacrificed themselves."

"You blame yourself?" I asked, not understanding. He couldn't possibly be blaming himself for something so terrible.

He only looked up at the sky again and sighed. "Don't, Hades," I said, sternly.

He looked down, then moved his head to the side, to look at me. He only looked for a good five seconds before looking in front of him again.

"Why didn't they try to find and kill you?" I questioned.

"I was the next one on their list. When I turned 18 I started to build my own hoodlum of guys. They found out, plotted, and decided against it. Pussy's, we're too afraid." he gritted.

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