The Conceited Pig

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When Steven threw his things in his locker and slammed it shut, he turned around only to find Christina standing behind him.

"Steven." She whispered, tears evident in her eyes.

Steven ignored her and walked away, she followed after him, "Please Steven we need to talk."

Stopping abruptly, Steven turned around to face her, there was anger in his voice when he said, "Go away Christina, me and you have nothing to talk about!"

His walked away before she could answer and made his way to the library, but when he got there the door was locked. He had gone to the gym room to speak with his coach until Abby was done with her work in the library, but he got here too late! He let out a harsh sigh and walked away angry at himself for not keeping time.

"Steven wait!" Christina called out after him, but Steven walked away and left the building heading towards the parking lot.


Ignoring her, Steven hurried to his car and got in. He turned the ignition on and was about to drive away when Christina started to pound on the glass window.

"Steven!" She pounded harder.

Steven swore under his breath and rolled down his window. "What the hell do you want!" He roared.

Flinching, Christina paused for a moment to gather her thoughts before she spoke, "Please Steven I need to talk to you!"

"Then talk I'm listening!" He said impatiently.

"Please let's go somewhere where we can talk without anyone around."

"I don't have time for that shit now!"

"Please." She begged, "I love you Steven and just need a few minutes to talk."

Steven nodded and Christina released a sigh of relief, as she got inside the convertible and shut the door. "Can we go to my house?"

"Are your parents home?"

Christina shook her head in answer and Steven turned the car towards her home and sped off. They rode in silence each in their own thoughts, and when Steven drove his car up the driveway he turned to face Christina and spat, "Speak!"

"Please come inside I beg of you." She pleaded in desperation.

Without a word, Steven removed himself from the car and waited for Christina. She walked to the front door and motioned for him to follow her. Once inside Steven followed Christine to her bedroom which was up the stairs and down the corridor.

She opened the door and said, "Come in."

Steven watched her throw her backpack in the corner and then she walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Steven I love you!"

He tried to pull her arms off his neck but she held on tightly, "Please I beg of you, kiss me!"

Breaking free of her hold, Steven lashed out, "You crazy bitch I told you, me and you are done!"

"Please Steven!" She pleaded.

Trying hard to hold his composure, Steven said firmly, "Move it then, tell me what you want to say!"

"I need to know if you....," she began, "have you any feelings for me, even the tiniest bit?"

"A long time ago I liked you." He admitted coldly.

"And now?"

"And now I feel sorry for you."

"Have you ever felt love for me Steven?" Her voice began to break.

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