Claire smiles

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Steven parked the car a few houses away from Abby's house and turned off the engine. "Are you afraid to go in?"

Abby shook her head, "I am not afraid anymore," she admitted, "I realized that I am a strong and powerful woman. If my father tries anything I will call the police immediately!"

"That's my girl!" Steven said, "I will stay out here until you call me, and this time if you don't call me I will break your front door down and kill your father. Do you understand me Abby?"

His tone of voice was so serious it frightened Abby that he may do something foolish, she made a mental note to call him as soon as she was safe into her room.

"There are two cars in your drive way," Steven observed, "is the other car your mothers?"

Abby nodded.

"Is your mother at risk of getting abused by your father tonight or any other night?"

Abby swallowed.

"You must not keep such information from me Abby, I love you and want to protect you, I will not allow anyone including your father to physically or mentally abuse you, do you understand this?"

Abby nodded.

"Then go home and call me right away, I will be out here until you do!"

He pulled her closer to him and kissed her, Abby could feel his emotions in the kiss and she knew at that moment that she would love him for ever.

When she exited the car, Steven's eyes were on her, and as she opened the front door to her house and entered, he tensed when the door was shut and then he waited. The waiting killed him ten thousand times over, he needed to know that she was not hurt. He grabbed his iPhone and held it tightly into his hands.


"There you are darling," Abby's mother said cheerfully, but when Abby looked at her mother she knew that something was terribly wrong.

Her heart hammered against her chest, she glanced at her father who was sitting on the couch with a bottle of whiskey in his hands.

She clutched her iPhone tightly, knowing that Steven was eagerly waiting for her call and understanding that his threats were real. She knew Steven well and he would break the front door down if he had to.

"You're late!" Her father growled, "again!"

"I...I'm...sorry, I was studying at the library and forgot the time."

"Like hell you did!" her fathers bellowed and slammed his bottle of whiskey on the coffee table and jumped up from the couch, "you little bitch if you think to lie to your father again I will break that little face of yours!"

"Don't you touch her!" Abby's mother yelled and stepped in between Abby and her husband. "I mean it Henry, if you so much as touch her I will call the cops!"

His cold and dangerous eyes shifted from his wife to his daughter and he sneered, "If you or her so much as think to call the cops you will live to regret it!"

Abby's mother pulled Abby behind her as her husband walked past them in his drunken stupor and headed up the stairs.

"Mama did he hurt you?"

Her mother looked away, "No." she lied.

"I know you're lying mama," Abby told her, "I swear to you if he ever touches you or me again I will call the cops and he will go straight to jail and I don't care if the neighbors or our relatives find out, I don't care what anyone says about us, we deserve to live a decent life and not be stuck under the same roof with an abusive drunk!"

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