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Pulling Abby aggressively away from the crowd and the onlookers, Steven swiftly made his way to the parking lot. He had declined to party with his team for their victory on this night, he had turned a deaf ear to his coach who had instructed him to join the after party at the Mike's bar and grill, to celebrate their big win at the coaches expense.

Steven didn't care about anything but getting Abby in his car and driving to a secluded place where he could hold her in his arms and tell her how much he loved her.

"Where are we going?" Abby laughed, "why aren't you celebrating with your team?"

Steven stopped walking and pulled Abby into his arms where he kissed her passionately and took her breath away. "I love you!" He told her when his lips pulled away from hers, "I've loved you from the very moment I saw you in the hallway when you bumped into me!"

Abby was speechless, he was different today, there was something about his words and actions that was very different from other times they were together and her heart danced with joy.

As they sped off out of the parking lot, Steven's hand reached for Abby's and he laced his fingers through hers. She brought him peace and he felt overwhelmed with love.

"Where are you taking us?" Abby asked.

"Somewhere where we can be alone."

"The forest preserve?" She asked.

"No Abby," he didn't want to take her to a place where one took their one night stands. "We can go to my house, I think no one is home now."

"Please Steven no!" Her voice sounded desperate, "I don't want to go to your house." The last time she was there she was very embarrassed. "Can we go to my home, my parents won't be home until after ten today."

Steven turned the car around and headed to her house, he wanted to have a long talk with her. They drove in silence, at one point Steven brought her hand to his lips and he kissed it.

When Steven pulled into her driveway, he let go of her hand, turned off the ignition, exited the car and walked around to open Abby's door. As soon as she stepped out, Steven closed the car door and then he grabbed Abby and kissed her again.

Abby melted into his arms.

"Let's go inside," his voice was hoarse and his eyes were hazed with need.

Abby opened the front door and they both entered, Steven shut and locked the door and then took Abby into his arms. He carried her up the stairs and into her room where he lay her gently on the bed and turned to lock her bedroom door.

When he whirled around, his eyes swept over Abby's body with adoration, "Take your clothes off Abby."

Abby obeyed his command, she lifted herself from the bed and took off her clothing except her undergarments. She was wearing the red Victoria Secret laced bra and underwear.

Steven groaned, and pulled her into his arms again, "I love you." He whispered, before he kissed her again and again.

When he couldn't stand it anymore, he pushed her away and undressed. Abby stared at his muscled, naked body and she was on fire. Her eyes lowered to his swollen manhood and her heart skipped a beat.

"Lay down." He commanded.

And she did as she was told.

Steven joined her on the bed and he pulled her next to him. "I want you, I want all of you!" He told her in a masculine, deep voice that did things to Abby that she was ashamed to admit.

He removed her bra and his eyes feasted on her firm and round breasts. Her nipples had perked with anticipation and Steven moaned, lowered his head and wrapped his lips around each one.

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