My Father

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The entire day at school was a blur, Abby could not concentrate as much as she tried. She ditched lunch knowing Steven would have many questions for her that she couldn't and wouldn't answer and she was in no mood for Claire's chirping, or Jeff's look of disapproval for Steven, so she chose to go inside the office and volunteer her help to get her mind off her problems.

At three o clock when she left the school property she did not head home but chose instead to go to the Park Ridge library to hang out just in case her father was home early.

She did not notice Steven's car following her slowly behind her to make sure she was safe. He had called her many times and she wouldn't answer his calls, so he decided to get in his car and follow her after school.

Abby was relieved that Steven, Jeff and Claire were not waiting for her after school. She needed time alone to gather her scattering thoughts and figure out how to solve her problems.

She stayed at the library for many hours until the sun went down and the library was about to close. Gathering her books and placing them in her backpack, Abby walked out of the library and headed home.

It was a lovely evening with a gentle breeze, and Abby released a sigh, she felt better and gained the strength she needed to go home and if her father was there and tried to touch her she had decided to call the police on him. She would not let him get away with anything anymore.

By now the street lamps were lit, and Abby relished the quietness of the evening, so when a car pulled up by the curb and someone called out to her she was startled.

"Abby!" Steven called out to her from his car.

Relief flooded through her heart when she heard Steven's voice, she had missed him and she quickly ran to his car and jumped in. Closing the door, Abby leaned over and allowed Steven to hug her tightly.

Abby started to cry and Steven tightened his hold on her, "Oh God Abby, you feel so good in my arms, I've missed you!"

Abby cried some more and Steven turned off the ignition and pulled Abby on his lap. He wiped away her tears and then kissed her passionately leaving her breathless and disoriented.

"I love you." He told her and kissed her again, wishing and praying she will open up and tell him the truth.

"I love you too!" She admitted, "and I have missed you so very much Steven!"

"Are you feeling better this evening?" He asked her cautiously, not wanting to push her into admitting anything, he wanted her to trust him enough and tell him on her own.

Nodding in response to his question, tears flooded her eyes again, "there is something I need to tell you, but I don't know how to say it." She admitted.

"Do you trust me?" He asked her.

Abby nodded, "I trust you Steven, but I'm ashamed to admit...."

"If you trust me and believe that I love you, then you should not feel ashamed to tell me anything!" He looked into her eyes and waited patiently.

" Father.....he...." She couldn't speak the words, she was very ashamed and was afraid he would break up with her if he found out her shameful secret.

"Say it Abby," he told her, "if you love me and if you trust me, then tell me!"

A few minutes passed before she spoke, Steven sat quietly allowing her time to gather the strength she needed to speak, and then the words rushed out of her mouth quickly before she lost her will to tell the truth.

"My father has made sexual advances towards me and he also beats me when he is drunk," Abby confessed, and tears glided down her beautiful face, "I fear I won't be able to hold him off for long, I must tell the authorities, but the thought of mother finding out the truth kills me."

She finally told him, she trusted him enough to tell him the truth. love consumed him, and he squeezed her in his arms tightly. "I will kill him if he touches you again!" He told her hoarsely. "If he lays one more finger on you be it sexual or abusive in any way shape or form I will literally kill him!"

Abby shook her head, "No Steven, it doesn't matter anymore, I'm leaving in the fall and going away for school and he won't be able to hurt me again!"

"What about until you leave," Steven asked, "what if he gets drunk and ...."

"Then I will be the one to kill him!" She said in a firm and unwavering voice, "I will not let him get away with it!"

Steven knew that he had to keep a close eye on her, he was going to protect her and make sure her father did not harm her again!

"I'm coming to the Dells." Abby said, "I want to get as far away from him as I can!"

"Will he allow you to go?"

"I don't care what he allows," Abby admitted, "I will ask my mother and I know she will not say no to me, my only concern is that he will take out his anger on my mother and I don't want her to suffer cause of me!"

"We can leave Friday after school."

"I want you to make love to me Steven," Abby pleaded, "I need you now more than ever!"

In answer, Steven kissed her and his hand slid up her thighs, it was easy access since she was wearing a simple sundress. Abby moaned out loud with pleasure, as his fingers slid through her underwear and entered her private domain.

She whispered his name over and over again when waves of pleasure claimed her and she trembled in his arms. "I want to touch you too!" She begged when Steven finally pulled his fingers out of her.

"Touch me then!" Steven told her huskily, and she did not hesitate to unzip his jeans and slip her hand inside his boxers.

She wrapped her hand around his swollen cock and rubbed him slowly at first, until Steven's deep masculine voice moaned and groaned with pleasure, then Abby pulled him harder and faster until his body jerked and shook violently when he released his seed into her hand.

Abby kissed him hungrily, he was so freaking sexy and he was all hers, she thought, as her tongue slipped deep into his mouth.

"You have no idea what you do to me when you touch me." He semi-whispered, "it becomes harder and harder to not make love to you!"

"Then why are you holding back," Abby asked, "make love to me!"

"No!" Steven said, "not yet."

Then he reached over to the glove compartment and retrieved a few napkin's and he cleaned Abby's hand before he wiped his private part.

"You had better make love to me in Wisconsin Steven. Because I'm beginning to think you are not attracted to me!"

Steven squeezed her in his arms tightly, "I have never loved a woman in my entire life, you are my first and my last," Steven told her, "when I make love to you Abby, we will be connected forever. Are you ready for that?"

"I've been ready from the first day." She replied.


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