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Claire had ran all the way to Abby's house and when her friend opened the door she was out of breath and panting. "Im so tired!" She said breathlessly, and dropped her body on the couch in the living room.

Closing the door, Abby then walked to the opposite couch and sat down. "Why did you run here?"

"I wanted to get here as fast as I could," she admitted, "I can't wait to hear all about Steven!"

Raising an eye brow, Abby asked, "Steven?"

Claire nodded her head still out of breath to speak.

"What makes you think I'm feeling down because of Steven?"

"I know you better than you know yourself Abby," Claire told her, "I'm like your sister from another mother!"

"I wish you were my sister Claire," Abby admitted, and tears glided down her face. Removing her glasses she wiped the tears away with the back of her hand, "but truly you are like the sister I never had, and you're the only one I trust and can confide to."

Claire immediately picked herself up and walked over to the other couch where Abby sat and gave Abby a huge bear hug. "We are sisters, and I love you!" She said and squeezed her tighter. "Now tell me what is going on in that mind of yours!"

Returning to the other couch again, Claire sat down, curled her feet underneath her and waited for Abby to tell her everything.

"I love him." She said flat out.

"That doesn't surprise me," Claire admitted, "I already had guessed that."

"It hurts to love someone that doesn't love you back, what was I even thinking dreaming that he could possibly care about me!" Fresh tears spilled forth and this time Abby wiped them with the arm of her shirt. "How could a boy like him love someone like me!"

"Stop it right now!" Claire snapped, "you are one of the most beautiful girl in the school, and you know it!"

"No I am not Claire, I'm too short, to ugly and too fat!"

"You can fool the rest of the world with those words and they'd believe you, but you can't fool me!" Claire challenged, "underneath all that cover up you are a stunning beauty, and when Steven sees the real you tomorrow at the dance, he will fall head over heels for you!

"I'm not going to the dance!"

"Oh yes you are, you promised and your can't take back that promise!" Claire said in a firm and unwavering tone of voice voice, "I need you tomorrow, I won't have the guts to claim Jeff mine without you by my side, so you had better shape up and come or I swear I'll never speak to you ever again!"

"But what if I run into Steven, he will be coming with Carol," Abby dropped her face in her hands and cried, "the sight of him holding her will crush me!"

"You are a strong and powerful woman, Steven may hold her in his arms tomorrow at the dance, but once he takes a look at you, he will drop her and stake claim on you! I swear to you that when he sees you looking like Cinderella, your prince will come to you holding a glass slipper!"

Claire spoke with conviction, but Abby was not convinced, "Why would I want him anyway, he is a pig and a man-whore and will probably break my heart!"

"Love is a powerful feeling Abby, he will be a changed man once he falls for you!"

"Listen to what you're saying Claire," Abby burst out, "he would never drop himself to my level, he is the captain of the football team, the most popular boy in the school, he is rich, handsome, muscled, smart, and I heard from the grapevine that he is going to Princeton in the fall! Why would he want me!"

Bold, Breathless LoveΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα