Flames of Fire

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She couldn't stop thinking of the beautiful words he had told her in the car, and she definitely couldn't stop thinking of what he had done to her. Laying in her bed, she felt tortured.

Hot flames of fire burned throughout her body, his touch made her feel like a volcano that exploded and hot lava poured throughout her insides. She wanted to touch herself and feel that sweet sensation again, but she had promised him that she wouldn't.

That second she received a text message and she quickly grabbed her iPhone.

{are you awake?}


{do you love me?"}


{ok then, I'll find love elsewhere!}

{that's not funny Steven!}

{then I'll ask you again, do you love me!}


{then why did you make me wait to tell me you love me!}

{because I like to make you sweat! Oh , and Steven, I'm going to touch myself, I can't wait anymore it's unbearable!}

{you will do no such thing!}

{I'm touching myself now!}

The iPhone rang.

When she answered it, Steven yelled "Stop!"

"I can't, it's torture waiting!"

She heard him sigh on the other line.

"Then do it now while I'm on the phone, do not ever touch yourself without me!"

"Ok tell me what to do."

His voice grew husky, "Remove your panties,"

"Ok, now what,"

"Slip your middle finger inside of you and in slow movements slide it in and out of yourself."

She followed his orders and instantly she was on fire. "It..,,feels...good!"

"Now slide your fingers out and rotate your finger over your clitoris."


"Do it Abby!"


She heard his heavy breathing, "are you touching yourself too?"


"Steven!" She whispered in a husky tone of voice, "I'm cumming!"

"Jesus Abby!!" He said in a hoarse voice, and then she heard a deep masculine moan on the other end of the line.

There was a few moments of silence and then he asked, "How do you feel."

"I feel so good, but I wish you were here next to me."

"Swear to me now, that you will never touch yourself without me, swear it now Abby!"

"I swear I will only do it if you are on the phone with me or next to me."

Steven released a sigh of relief, "Go clean yourself, I'll wait." He told her, and he did the same.

Minutes later she was back on the line, "I'm still on fire."

"Me too." He admitted. His cock was swollen and ached for her, he wasn't sure how long he would be able to control himself around her. "You want to do it again?"


"Put your phone on Speaker and lay it next to you."


Bold, Breathless LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ