The Heart Wants What it Wants

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A flood of tears blinded her, but she kept running, embarrassed by this days events, and angered not by what those boys had said, but by Stevens response. He was a pig, and there was no excuse for his behavior!

When she was almost home, she heard honking behind her, and Steven call out to her, but she ignored him and started running faster.

Steven parked, got out of his car and started running after her. "Abby wait!"

When she ran even faster to get away from him, Steven raced after her, grabbed her arm and whirled her around, "Please let me explain." He begged.

Abby released herself from his possessive hold and screamed, "Go away!"

"Please Abby, hear me out it's not what you think!" He pleaded.

Infused by anger, Abby slapped Steven across his face leaving him stunned by her actions.

"You leave me alone and don't ever come near me again!" She screamed, "I hate you!"

Enraged that the clown girl would dare to raise her hand on him, Steven lifted his hand and was about to strike her, but his hand froze in mid air. He could never lay a hand on a woman especially when that woman was Abby.

She looked hurt and tears streamed down her face and remorse hit him like a ton of bricks. She was the last person he wanted to hurt, but hurt her he did.

"I'm so sorry Abby." His voice sounded tortured, and regret glittered in his deep blue eyes. "Let me explain."

"I don't need your explanation," Abby screamed, "I hate you and I will never speak to you ever again!" And with those words, she ran away leaving behind a troubled and defeated young man.

Pain surged throughout her insides, she felt broken, as she ran as fast as her feet could take her all the way to Claire's house.


Steven sat in his car trying hard to stop his hands from trembling. The encounter with Abby effected him to no end. Her words 'I hate you!' Rang in his ears over and over again.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He yelled and smashed his fists against the steering wheel over and over again.

What the hell was he thinking making a fool out of Abby? The only girl in school whom he respected, he thought.

You fool !!! His conscious screamed, Abby is not like the rest of them, she is special and you ruined everything!

Pulling into the driveway, Steven turned off the ignition, but did not get out right away. His mind kept playing back the days events. Abby's pain filled eyes tore at his heart.

She's a clown girl for God sakes! He reminded himself, don't lower your standards, you can have any girl in school that you want, you are the most handsome boy not to mention the fact that you are the captain of the football team and the best player!

Pulling out his iPhone from his pocket, Steven dialed Carol's number.




"Yes, want to be for a late spin in my car?" Steven asked in a sexy tone of voice, "I can pick you up in five minutes."


Steven dropped his iPhone, turned on the ignition and pulled out of the driveway. He sped down the street to Carol's house and by the time he parked to the side, she was outside waiting for him.

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