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Many emotions flooded through Steven's mind, he was suffering and had a difficult time trying to gather his scattering thoughts. Never in his life had he ever had this problem. He was always in total control of himself, he had life by the balls, but now he felt troubled and defeated.

His love for her had taken over his life and he suffered like a wounded animal. Things he never cared about, now effected him and it was driving him wild. She was driving him wild! He missed her, he loved her, and he needed to see her again like the fish needed the water.

He couldn't get the thought of Jeff calling her out of his mind, why was she still taking his calls especially since he had asked her not to. Jealousy rippled through him and he was struggling to maintain his sanity. He was losing his mind, unable to handle the fact that he had to share her with Jeff, he turned the car around and headed back to her house to have a long talk with her.

As Steven approached Abby's house he saw a car in the driveway and when he realized it was Jeff's car anger speared throughout his entire body, and he parked besides the curb and jumped out of his car, and he headed up the driveway just as Jeff was walking out of the Abby's house.

"Bastard!" Steven growled under his breath.

Jeff stopped in his tracks when he saw Steven, he crossed his arms and stood with his feet apart, his eyes were dark and dangerous and his voice dripped ice when he spoke, "Stay away from her!"

It took everything inside of Steven not to punch Jeff in the face, "Mind your own business!"

"You don't deserve her!" Jeff said, through gritted teeth.

"I love her!"

"You love only yourself!" Jeff hissed.

"Get out of my way dog!" Steven growled.

"Keep away from her!" Jeff snarled.

"She loves me!"

"She's too innocent and doesn't know what love is," Jeff said angrily, "leave her alone, do not break her she won't be able to handle it if you screw this up!"

"Get the fuck out of my way!" Steven yelled, and was ready to punch Jeff in the face.

Suddenly the door flew open and Abby ran out in the driveway and looked angrily from Steven to Jeff, "Stop this now!" She screamed.

"If you hurt her in anyway, I'm going to kill you!" Jeff told Steven before he walked away from the both of them.

Steven did not respond to Jeff's words because he knew Abby would get mad at him, so he threw his attention back to her. "We need to talk!"

"Then talk!" Abby told him.

Raking his fingers through his hair, Steven tried to collect his thoughts before he spoke, "I don't want him to come around you, I don't want you to continue talking to him!"

"He's my friend!" She screamed.

"He's not your friend," Steven clarified, "he wants to fuck you!"

Abby threw her hands in the air, "I'm not doing this!" She cried and started to walk away, but Steven was quick to grab her by the waist and pull her up against his muscled chest.

"If you love me you will stay away from him!" He said hoarsely.

"If you love me you wouldn't ask me to stop talking to one of my best friends!" She yelled back at him.

"Abby can't you see that he is not your friend, he wants to sleep with you, he's in love with you, why can't you see this!"

"Stop it Steven!" Abby dropped her face into her hands, "I can't do this anymore!"

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