Mesut Özil [~] Rocky and Balboa

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You were home alone with your son, (Y/S/N). Mesut was away at training while you were still on maternity leave from your job. It was late in the afternoon, and you decided to start dinner. Your son was being fussy so you decided it was best to put him down for a nap. He would wail every time you tried to go into the nursery so after the fifth time, you simply laid him down on a blanket in the living room. You entertained him with a toy until he finally fell asleep. Sighing in relief, you got up quietly and tip toed to the kitchen.

As you started to cook, you expected Rocky and Balboa, Mesut's and your pugs, to be nipping at your ankles for scraps. They were no where to be found, however. After putting the food in the oven, you looked out the glass door to your backyard. To your surprise, Rocky and Balboa were not in sight. Concerned, you looked around the house for the two dogs. The last place you looked was the living room, where your son was sleeping. Walking quietly into the room, the sight in front of you made you gasp.

Your son was surrounded by the pugs and they were all sleeping soundly. You found it absolutely adorable and immediately took a few pictures with your phone. The front door opened, and in walked Mesut, placing his bag beside the door. "Hey sweetheart—" you shushed him before he could finish. Confusion was evident on his face. You pointed towards the adorable scene in front of you. Mesut smiled once he laid eyes on the scene in front of him.

Once you had found out you were pregnant, you and Mesut were concerned as to how the pugs would react to a baby suddenly appearing in their lives. However, your fears were dashed once the duo had met (Y/S/N) and taken an immediate liking to your son. Mesut took a photo and posted it onto Instagram. You let them sleep while you and Mesut enjoyed a peaceful dinner. Even as your son grew up, the photos of him and your pugs was still one of your favorites of your son.

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