Harry Kane [~] Bullied

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For crouchie28:

                You and Harry had been dating for a few months now. You two had kept the relationship pretty secret from everyone because you were still a senior in high school. You and Harry weren't phased by the age gap but you knew that the press would have a field day with the information and you didn't want to risk Harry's image. Especially, with his rising stardom.

                You didn't really like high school and couldn't wait until you were free. As soon as you graduated, you would get much needed alone time with Harry. You two couldn't really go out in public with each other because of paparazzi but as soon as you graduated, you had nothing to worry about. Also, you were severely bullied by some of your classmates.

                They made fun of your figure. You were on the taller side and skinny. You weren't anorexic or anything, you were just naturally skinny. Kids made fun of you for it. They made fun of your height. They would mimic throwing up whenever they were around you, thinking that you were actually anorexic. In reality, you could eat almost the same amount of food as Harry, which was a lot.

                On one of the last days of school, you walked to your locker. The bell rung, signifying that the day had ended. You pulled off another sticky note on your locker. "Three days left," you read. Sighing, you packed your bag for the exams you would have later and closed your locker. To get home, you always cut through the back of the school. It was quicker and less people were around so you didn't have to worry about bullies.

                Opening the door, you passed the dumpsters by the wall when some people jumped out from behind it. You flinched back when you recognized the people, your bullies. "Oh look, its anorexia. Here, take my lunch so you don't die," one of the kids laughed.

                "Leave me alone," you stated, starting to walk away from the kids.

                "Oh don't exert yourself too much, might pass out," another kid taunted. You ignored them, as you always did, until one kid came up behind you and hit the back of your knees, causing you to fall down.

                "Should have listened to us, bitch," the leader sneered before kicking you in the stomach. You gasped, and curled up to protect your stomach. You were sure it was going to bruise. The other kids joined in. You held back tears, knowing it would only serve to encourage them. Suddenly, they all stopped.

                "Get out of here, get lost!" a familiar voice shouted, coming from just above you. Harry kneeled down next to you and placed a careful hand on your shoulder. You recoiled, your body still tight and rigid from dealing with the bullies. "(Y/N), it's me," Harry whispered. You slowly uncoiled, looking up at Harry with tears in your eyes. "C'mon, let's get out of here before they come back."

                Harry picked you up bridal style and walked briskly over to his car, sitting you in the passenger seat. Buckling you in, Harry walked over to the driver's seat and started the car. Driving away, Harry simply took your hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. You stared in front of you, but squeezed his hand back. Parking the car in a secluded location of the local park, Harry got out.

                Opening your door, he pulled you out of the car. Leading you up a path, he sat you down at a picnic table overlooking the pond. Kneeling in front of you, Harry stared up into your eyes. Words weren't said but you burst into tears. All the tears you had held back just flowed out of your eyes like Niagara Falls. Instead of talking to you or recoiling, Harry simply sat next to you and pulled you to his chest. You cried on his chest for a little while until your tears were reduced to hiccups.

                "I'm sorry I ruined your shirt," you hiccupped.

                "You just got beat up and the first thing you do is apologize for ruining my shirt?  Forget about my shirt, are you okay?" Harry asked. You nodded. "Let me see," Harry ordered. In a nonsexual way, you lifted your shirt to show the bruise that was forming on your abdomen. Harry carefully placed a hand on your abdomen, causing you to flinch.

                Harry lightly ran his fingers across your stomach, causing shivers to flow up your spine. Harry pulled away and pulled you onto his lap. Imbedding his head into your neck, he breathed in your scent. You sighed blissfully. He pulled back and kissed your forehead. "I'm sorry I let this happen, I should have stopped it sooner, I should have been there," Harry sighed.

                You kissed his cheek tenderly. "It's not your fault at all," you replied. "They're just stupid."

                "They hurt you," Harry interjected. "But they won't anymore."

                "What do you mean Harry?" you asked.

                "As soon as you graduate, we can make our relationship public, however way you want to do it. Then everyone will know that if they want to get to you, they have to go through me first. I'll protect you, (Y/N). I'm not perfect but in my eyes you are. And everyone wants to steal or hurt anything or anyone that is perfect," Harry professed.

                You smiled, and Harry did too. A quick kiss was shared before you both turned to look at the lake. The sun was starting to set and your parents probably weren't home anyways. You and Harry could take your sweet time. Planting a quick kiss on his lips, you leaned onto his shoulder.

                "Promise me one thing, Harry," you said.

                "And what is that, (Y/N)?"

                "After I graduate and we make our relationship public, take me away from here. I hate it here. I hate the people here. Just take me away from here, promise me you will."

                "I promise," Harry stated. He cracked a smiled before pulling you into another kiss. In the distant pond, two swans touched beaks, forming a heart shape. Like an omen, it sealed your destiny with Harry and he with you.

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