Marc Bartra [~] Physio and Player

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For lola: Marc Bartra (Part 2)

Rushing Marc to the hospital, you arrived within a good amount of time. Cristiana waited outside for other people to show up for him, while you followed him. They transferred him from the stretcher to a bed and were currently wheeling it through the halls of the hospital to get Marc to an MRI to check for brain damage.

"Ok, Mr. Bartra, this is where you say good bye to your friends so that we can get you to into the machine," the nurse stated, looking over at you. You took that as a sign that you should leave and gave Marc one last reassuring squeeze.

"Don't come out with too much damage, Bartra," you warned.

"Yes, ma'am," he fake saluted. "And I'd like to cash my kiss afterwards," he smiled as the nurse wheeled him to the room. You weren't allowed in, so you played games on your phone to distract yourself from the nerves that you were feeling because Marc could potentially have major brain damage, though he seemed fine to you on the outside.

As the minutes ticked by, a few Barcelona guys showed up, each looking as restless as you felt. Then, a doctor, a middle aged man with a receding hairline stepped out of the room and into the hallway, shutting the door behind him. You stood up, prepared mentally for the worst. "Are you Mr. Bartra's family?"

"Closest thing to it," Sergi muttered.

"Good enough for me. Now which one of you is the medic?"

"That would be me," you raised your hand slightly.

"Then, I guess I'll just hand you these, which you'll be needing for his medical record," the doctor said, handing you a packet full of papers and pictures taken during the scan. Browsing through the material, you looked up and nodded in thanks. "Now, Mr. Bartra has a laceration on his face. They're patching him up right now. He needed ten stitches. And he has bruising on his forehead due to the impact he had on the pole, but it has gone down and shouldn't be that much trouble. Unfortunately, Mr. Bartra has also sustained a concussion. On a scale of one to ten, it would be a five," the doctor explained. "His reintegration process is up to you and the management, however," the doctor told you. You nodded. You would have to look over the details and have a meeting with the coaches to decide the plan of action.

"Can we see him?" Sergi questioned.

"Of course, if you'll follow me," the doctor motioned for you guys to follow him. You entered a secluded room with one bed. Marc sat on the edge of it. "Mr. Bartra, we talked about this," the doctor sighed. Stepping forwards, you pushed Marc back down to a lying position.

"You need to rest, Marc. Getting up and about is only going to delay your return," you ordered. Marc, much to your amazement, obeyed your instructions and stayed laying down. A bandage on his head marked the cut. You stepped aside and let his teammates chat with him, although they had to leave soon afterwards because they had to go home and sleep. They had practice after all the next day. Which left just you and Marc alone in his hospital room. "Why don't you try sleeping, Marc?"

"You aren't going to leave, are you?"

"I'm paid to do this, so unless I want a pay cut, I'll be here," you replied.

"Fair enough," Marc shrugged, shifting so that he was comfortable. Closing his eyes, you turned off some lights so that he could fall asleep easier, at least you hoped so. You grabbed one of the magazines that was provided and leafed through it, feeling your eyes about to drop as fatigue and lack of sleep started to set in.

Looking up from your magazine to check on Marc, you jumped about ten feet in the air when you saw his eyes staring back at you. "You're supposed to be asleep," you whispered harshly.

"Couldn't fall asleep. Honest truth," Marc held up his hands in an 'I surrender' position.

"So you decided it would be an ok thing to stare at me when I thought you were sleeping?" you raised an eyebrow.

"How could I not look at you, you're beautiful," Marc smiled.

"Flattery will get you nowhere with me, Marc," you stated, setting the magazine down. "Now you should really go to sleep, you need your rest to recover."

"I can't sleep," Marc repeated.

"Why not?" you sighed.

"I never got my kiss for scoring a goal now did I? I think I deserve multiple for all that I've had to deal with because I scored that goal," Marc said innocently.

"Fine," you rolled your eyes, getting off of the chair and walking over to him. You crossed your arms over your chest as Marc wiggled his eyebrows at you.

"What are you waiting for?" Rolling your eyes again, you walked towards the door of the room, closing it more so that no one could see in on the scene that Marc insisted happen in the middle of a hospital. "I'm still waiting," Marc smirked, sounding sing song, which infuriated you. Walking back over to the Spaniard, you uncrossed your arms.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," you muttered to yourself.

"Still waiting over here."

"I heard you the first time," you sighed. Leaning down, you locked eyes with Marc. When your lips were a breath apart, you slowly closed your eyes as closed the gap between the two of you. The first thing you realized was that, Marc Bartra was a really good kisser. The second thing you realized was that you were actually enjoying yourself. One of Marc's hands wrapped around your waist, forcing you to sit on the edge of the hospital bed, and therefore minimizing further the space in between the two of you.

You ran a hand through his dark hair, as his arms locked around your body, making it so that you were basically on top of him. The both of you pulling back, you sucked in air. Good thing it was dark in the room, lest Marc see how red your head was from the kiss. Placing a stable hand on Marc's chest, you leaned back, so that you were basically straddling him.

"You happy?" you coughed out.

"A little flustered, Ms. (Y/L/N)?" Marc teased.

"Shut up," you huffed.

"I kind of did for a few minutes because of that kiss," Marc winked.

"I said shut up," you sighed, slapping his chest lightly.

"Abuse. I think I deserve another kiss for that," Marc pouted.

"You're lucky for the best kisser I've ever kissed before," you mumbled aloud. Marc smirked before pulling you back into another kiss. You ended up sleeping in the hospital bed with Marc. There wasn't any funny business going on or anything, you just kind of fell asleep there. When you woke up, you saw Sergi, Cristiana, and a few other Barcelona players standing around, muffling their giggles. At your stirring, Marc also awoke.

"What do you guys want?" he whined.

"Well we know exactly what you want," Sergi joked.

"Did you use protection?" Cristiana suggested, wiggling her eyebrows at the two of you.

"Oh please, don't think I didn't see that little love fest between the two of you in the locker room a few weeks back," you stated, hopping out of the hospital bed, much to Marc's protest.

"It was not a love fest!" Sergi and Cristiana said at the same time.

"My point exactly," you pointed back and forth between the two of them, which led to the teasing to be placed on Sergi and Cristiana for now, leaving you and Marc some peace momentarily.

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