David Silva [~] I Just Talked to David Silva!

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For crouchie28: David Silva

You worked on a football TV station where you would talk about players, teams, FIFA, etc. Your coworkers, not all of them but a few, weren't always the kindest when it came to critiquing players. You usually just brushed it off, not wanting to upset your coworkers or causing a confrontation between you and your coworkers. That is, until you finally snapped.

The topic of the hour was the recent Manchester City match. They had lost and played horrible throughout the match and you were mentally readying yourself for what your coworkers would spit out in a sick sense of humor they found amusing. You walked up to the desk that you all sat at. You were the only girl, the other three were former players, coaches, etc. that had never really made it big but were still known by people in the football community.

"So the keynote of the hour is Manchester City's disastrous match that occurred this afternoon," your coworker named James stated, thereby opening up the topic to discussion. The cameras around you turned on and you looked around at the table for one of you to start of the topic.

"It was absolutely terrible," your coworker named Michael agreed. "They didn't possess the ball at all and they lost it as soon as they entered their attacking third. If it wasn't for Joe Hart, the deficit would have been much worse."

"I think even Joe Hart could have done better, Michael. I mean, the midfield absolutely fell apart under pressure from a very weak opponent. None of the midfielders would create space or give Sergio Aguero a pass that could have turned the tables on their performance," your coworker named Cristopher added. You were most worried about what Christopher would say because his running mouth had long attracted media attention and backlash from players and fans.

"What do you think, (Y/N)?"

"I agree with all of you. I think that the midfield definitely fell apart, as did their back four. On every set piece, they were running around like chickens with their heads cut off, which is why they had goals scored on them throughout the match. I expected more from them, with the players that they have on their roster playing on the field for them," you replied.

"Now let's break it down player by player," Michael stated, turning to the camera across from him. "We'll start with the defeated Manchester City side. Who's first up on your list, James?"

"The first man on my list, and the best player for City today out of the pitch, is Joe Hart, their goalie. He didn't have the best game, obviously letting in four goals is not a good game but he kept Manchester City at least in the game until their opponents ran away with it towards the end of the second half. He saved a penalty after Kompany made that poor tackle, and it was a great save too. I honestly thought it would have gone in," James nodded.

"I agree. Joe Hart was an anchor at the back for Manchester City. He boosted the moral a bit by making great saves. You can't blame him for letting in the goals that he did. He expected his teammates to be able to track runners from entering the box but the defense just forgot how to play football apparently. They left people wide open, and their opponents capitalized on their mistakes," you voiced your opinion.

"Next player. Cristopher, who's the first man on your list?" James questioned, taking a sip of water afterwards. You looked down at your notes, trying to find the player profiles packet you had thrown together. Finding it, your heart sped up when the one name you hoped Cristopher would avoid speaking came right out of his mouth.

"The first man on my list is David Silva because for me, he was the one that fell apart the most during the match for Manchester City. He should be better, given his past success with City but he absolutely just fell apart today." Although it was not widely known to your coworkers or anyone really, you had a tiny, little, insignificant crush on David Silva. There was just something about the way he moved the ball up and down the field, dribbling past defenders and making key passes that had immediately caused you to be attached to him. And Michael bashing him wasn't exactly what you wanted to hear at the moment.

"I'd have to disagree on that one, Cristopher," Michael said. "Silva wasn't the best midfielder out there but he surely wasn't the worst either."

"Oh but he was the worst out there, Mike. He was not nearly delivering the passes and crosses that he should have been."

"You can attribute that to his recent injury, he's not fully recovered, yet," you stated, sitting straight in your chair. You didn't know why you were suddenly so protective over David Silva. You had never met him and you probably never would but you still felt like you had to defend him from your coworker's rude comments.

"The price tag attached to this guy speaks enough about how he was playing."

"There's price tags attached to every player that steps onto the pitch. Some deliver and some don't. In recent games, David Silva has played incredibly so. He currently leading Manchester City in opportunities made and key passes," you reminded them. "I don't think that one bad performance when everyone else out there wearing a blue jersey also played poorly changes how good of a player he is. He's brought so much to this Manchester City side, even when they were struggling. He got the assist on the only goal Manchester City scored today. He didn't play all ninety minutes but he made his time out on the field worth it," you said eloquently, effectively shutting up Cristopher from saying anything bad about the Spaniard. Flustered, Cristopher moved on to the next player.

That night, your phone rang. Walking over to your phone, you saw an unknown number on your phone screen. Deciding to answer it, you held the phone up to your ear. "Hello?"

"Hi, is this (Y/N) (Y/L/N) from the talk show?" an unfamiliar voice asked from the other end of the line.

"This is she. Who is this?"

"I'm David Silva. I just wanted to personally contact you and thank you for defending me against your cohost. I was expecting to read the tabloid to see something bad about me that he wrote. Instead, the headline was titled 'Woman Silences Tyrant on Talk Show'. I'd just like to thank you again for doing that for me."

"It was not a problem. He's been grating on my nerves for months." You and David talked for a little bit more before bidding each other goodbye. Pressing the end call button, you put your phone down on the table before breaking into your happy dance. "I just talked to David Silva," you said in a sing song voice to yourself.

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