Marco Reus [~] Sleep Together, Work Out Together

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For life-water: Marco Reus

Cari hopped out of bed, walking into the walk in closet attached to her and Marco's shared bedroom. "Come back to bed, it's seven in the morning, Cari," Marco whined from the bed, clutching the pillow Cari had been using tightly.

"Time to work out. You said we'd work out in the morning, Marco. It's morning so let's work out," Cari called from the closet, pulling on a tank top. Walking out of the closet, Cari placed her hands on her hips as she stared at Marco, who was still in bed.

"Have I ever told you how good you look in spandex?"

"Have I ever told you how your laziness is annoying?" Cari replied, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Fine, but you owe me later," Marco huffed, getting out of bed, running a hand through his messy hair. Cari nodded as he walked into their bathroom. Walking downstairs, she filled a few water bottles, heading towards their home gym. With Marco's job, using a public gym just wouldn't end well for anyone. Setting the water bottles on the table, Cari headed over to the treadmill and started out her daily morning jog. As she ran, Marco entered the home gym, getting on the treadmill next to her.

After they had both finished their warm up run, the both of them stretched. Marco headed for some weights as Cari decided to do some squats. Grabbing a weight, Cari started her squats, Cari focused on the playlist she had set up, which was echoing around their home gym. Doing another squat, Cari squealed when Marco's hand smacked her butt lightly.

"Marco!" she scolded, rubbing her now aching butt as she glared at her boyfriend.

"What?" he asked innocently. Cari lightly punched him before pushing him towards the bike.

"I swear, you're like a teenage boy sometimes," Cari muttered, heading over to the elliptical. Wanting to do a long distance workout, Cari had hit her fourth mile when she felt two arms wrap around her waist, pulling her off the elliptical. "Marco! I'm working out!"

"But I need your help," Marco whined, setting Cari back down on the ground.

"With what?"

"Pushups," Marco shrugged. Cari rolled her eyes but agreed and walked over to the mat Marco had set up. Marco got in position and Cari sat on his back. Cari smiled as his back started to move up and down as he did his pushups.

"Twenty five," she reported. Marco huffed and bent down again. Whenever Marco did pushups, he usually had Cari sit on his back. Doing pushups without weights, didn't help him out at all so Cari had suggested using weights to add some hardship to Marco's workouts. She didn't think that Marco would use her as a weight but now it was a fun excursion from her own workouts. "Thirty eight. Get to forty and then I'll give you a kiss," Cari bartered.

Marco did his remaining two before flopping down on the ground, breathing heavily. "You owe me a kiss," he gasped, breathing in and out rapidly.

"Very well," Cari smirked, placing a chaste kiss on Marco's lips. Pulling away, she giggled as Marco pulled her back for another kiss. Cari deepened the kiss. Marco's arms removed themselves from her sides. Using the opportunity, Cari slipped out of his arms. Marco whined as Cari stood back up. "I'm just going to do some yoga and then I'm done, promise."

"Let me do some yoga with you then," Marco suggested, standing up too.

"Alright. But it's harder than it looks," Cari warned, setting up her yoga mat. Kicking off her shoes, Marco did likewise and stood on the mat adjacent from Cari's own. Cari stretched for a bit before diving right in. Placing her forehead to her shins, she laughed as Marco tried to do the same. "Having a little trouble, Reus?"

"Not at all," he grunted, managing to get about halfway. Cari moved into some beginner poses before moving to the more advanced stuff. Marco tried every time to do what Cari was doing but he just couldn't. "How can you do this? I feel like a human pretzel!"

"You just need to be more . . . flexible," Cari winked, untangling her limbs eloquently, standing up with a spring in her step. "Need a little help there, old man?"

"I'm not old! Just . . . a little stuck," Marco sighed. Cari giggled and helped her boyfriend stand up properly. "Well, I'm going to be sore in the morning," Marco complained, rubbing his neck.

"Is my yoga so lame and easy, now?" Cari asked, batting her eyelashes at her boyfriend, who shot her a look. "Just one word . . . starts with an N . . . two letters," Cari added.

"No, it's not easy," Marco huffed, stretching his back. Cari gave Marco a quick peck before warming down with a quarter mile jog and some stretching as Marco tried to reconfigure his body. Marco warmed down soon afterwards and Cari stood up from her place on the ground. Walking over to the table where she had placed the towels and water bottles for Marco and herself, she grabbed one of each. Chugging down the water, she wiped away her sweat with the towel. Marco walked over and did the same, both of them ditching their stinky towels before exiting the home gym.

Cari started breakfast as Marco went to shower and they switched off, Marco finishing the cooking. Wrapping her hair in a fluffy towel, Cari made her way downstairs, the cold shower having felt tremendously amazing after her hard work out the hour before. Grabbing the food Marco had placed on the table, both Marco and Cari filled their plates. Because Marco's job literally depended on how in shape and healthy he was, breakfast was usually mostly fruit and protein. Shoving food down her throat, Cari looked across the table at her boyfriend.

"Good work out today," she commented.

"You too. Keep doing those squats though," Marco replied, sipping his drink.


"Because then I get a nice view—"

"—Marco!" Cari yelled, slapping his arm.

"I'm just being honest!"

"Get your head out of the gutter, Reus, you have training tomorrow!"

"Fine," Marco whined, acting like a three-year-old who just got sent to the corner for a time out, which caused Cari to have to hide back a laugh.

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