Marc Bartra [~] Flight Attendant

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For masitadasilva: Marc Bartra

Lia straightened out her flight attendant uniform, nervous for her new assignment. She had been a flight attendant ever since she had graduated high school, never having really enjoyed academics. Instead of being tied down to a nine to five job, she wanted to travel and see the world. Unfortunately, to do so, one would need money. Not wanting to waste time and money in college or in an office, Lia took the job offer as a flight attendant.

 Having worked for Qatar Airways for five years now, Lia was well received by her fellow flight attendants and passengers, resulting in Qatar Airways trusting her with this 'new assignment' for 'trusted individuals only,' whatever that means. Her superiors didn't even bother telling her the exact assignment yet that she was going to receive.

  Never the less, Lia accepted the new job and packed her suitcase. Walking through the familiar Barcelona airport, she followed the directions she was given. Confused by the instructions, as they took her out of the main airport and to a secluded part of the airport, Lia looked around for the other flight attendants she would be working with. Seeing none of the listed girls, Lia huffed and headed for the gate. Except, instead, she was led onto the tarmac by airport assistants.

Walking across the hard surface of the ground, Lia gaped at the plane in front of her, or rather what was on the plane. The logo on the side of the plane, Barcelona FC in bright yellow, left her flabbergasted. The airport assistant, obviously over the fact that the plane was going to house some of the best players in the world, tapped her foot impatiently, pushing Lia towards the airplane's staircase.

 Sheepishly, Lia walked up the staircase, her heels clicking on the staircase. Entering the air plane, Lia looked around at the plane. It was beautiful on the inside, and Lia grew excited to work on such a project. She stowed her suitcase in the staff area and walked into the cockpit where the pilots sat. After introducing herself, the pilot informed her that the players would be arriving in three or so hours, but she had to prepare the plane for their arrival.

Her fellow flight attendants soon arrived, and the three women worked to make sure everything was in pristine condition for the Barcelona players. "Have you ever charted a flight with celebrities before?" one of the other flight attendants, named Rosa, asked Lia.

 "Not really."

 "Well then, here's just a few tips of advice I've learned from experience. Don't socialize with them, they are our clients not potential future husbands, got it?" Lia nodded. "Smile a lot, it gets us better tips. And, don't ask them for autographs, merchandise, etc. It only annoys them," Rosa informed. Looking over Lia's shoulder, she gasped. "They're early! Beth! Get over here, they're coming!" Rosa called for the third flight attendant, who rushed over.

 Standing straight and plastering on a smile, Lia greeted the players as they boarded the plane. Most of them ignored her, which she just brushed off. Others nodded to them and only a few shot them a smile. One such player was a certain Marc Bartra. Rosa stated the safety information about the flight as Lia and Beth modelled the life vests and such. Marc stared at Lia as she walked up and down the pathway, causing a few of his teammates to laugh and tease him.

"Ogling the flight attendant, heh?" Sergi joked, elbowing his best friend playfully.

 "What? I was listening to the safety instructions, unlike the rest of you. If we crash, I'll be the one to survive because I was paying attention," Marc shot back.

 "Sure, and what color is the safety whistle on the life vest, huh?" Dani questioned.

 "You don't know the answer to that question so why are you asking me?"

 "What color, Marc?"


 "Wrong. It's yellow. You might want to get your ears checked," Sergi joked, pulling lightly on Marc's ear. The center back knocked his hand away as the seatbelt sign came on. The joking was put on hold until the plan had successfully taken off. After they reached safe cruising height, Rosa came on over the speaker.

 "Our ETA is set at three hours currently." Lia unbuckled her seat belt and stood up. She walked to the back of the plane to set up the drink cart and such. The red button flashed on, meaning that a passenger wanted something. Reading the seat number, Lia walked out to the main cabin, searching for the seat. Her eyes landing on Marc and Sergi, she read the number above their seats.

 "Did you two need anything?" Lia asked politely.

 "Yes. My friend here seems to be turning redder by every passing second. Could you possibly get him a water?" Sergi smiled.

 "Of course. Just a moment," Lia replied, walking back to grab the player a glass of water. Marc, meanwhile, punched Sergi in the arm.

"Hey, what was that for?"

 "You know damn well what! What are you doing?" Marc hissed.

 "Obviously, you need a little push in the right direction. You're welcome." Before Marc could hiss more profanities at Sergi, Lia returned with his water.

"Here you go. Do you need anything else?"

 "No, we're good," Marc stated, sending Sergi a pointed look.

 "Not to impose or anything, but are you okay? You're bright red," Lia commented.

 "I'm fine," Marc reassured. "Thank you for your concern."

 "It's no problem," Lia smiled back. "Just press the button if you need anything else." Lia walked away, Marc watching her walk away.

"You got it bad, man," Sergi laughed, receiving another punch to the arm. The flight ended without incident, with Marc basically peeking around for Lia every other second, to the amusement of his teammates.

"Focus, young one. You can get her number after we win," Dani joked as Marc followed Lia's movements. Carrying a small tray, Lia passed out water to players, per request that the players remain hydrated. When she reached Marc, she smiled wider than she had before.

 "Would any of you like water?" she said, holding the tray in one hand. The three nodded and Lia handed them each a glass of water. As her fingers brushed Marc's, the Spaniard's face soon grew red. Noticing his pink cheeks, Lia asked him again if he was okay.

 "Oh he's quiet okay," Dani laughed, him and Sergi cracking up. Lia raised an eyebrow but shrugged off the incident and continued up the aisle.

 "Are you two trying to scare her away?" Marc growled.

 "Well, I'm surprised she even comes over here anymore with the amount of stalking you've been doing, Bartra." Marc didn't have a comeback, which caused Sergi and Dani to crack up once more. The plane landed and the players disembarked, Marc sending one last glance at Lia, who shot him a warm smile.

After an easy win, Marc and the rest of Barcelona FC boarded the plane again. As his teammates fell asleep, Marc looked around for Lia again. She stood in the middle of the aisle, her hair falling out of the bun she had put it into this morning. She caught his gaze and smiled. Marc looked away, blushing all the while. The click of high heels caused Marc to look up again. Lia stood next to his seat, causing Marc to suck in a breath. Leaning down, Lia whispered in Marc's ear.

"I've seen you stare at me the whole duration of both flights. My superiors will kill me for doing this but, here's this if you ever wanted to stare at me again," Lia winked, handing Marc a crumpled up piece of paper. Smoothing it out, Marc read the note quietly.'Call me some time when you're not busy. And my name's Lia btw. See you around hopefully, Marc. Here's my number: xxx-xxx-xxxx'

 Marc smiled before putting the piece of paper in his pocket, sending Lia a thumbs up before settling back into his seat for the last hour of the flight.

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