Jonathan dos Santos [~] First Words

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For gfraire1356: Jonathan dos Santos

Getting your daughter to speak words had been an interesting experience, especially with her father being none other than Jonathan dos Santos. "Say Papa. C'mon, Pa-pa," Jonathan told your daughter who merely giggled in response. She clapped her hands together and stared up at her father with an adoring smile. "Pa-pa," Jonathan annunciated once more.

"You'll never get her to say Papa like that," you commented, looking on at the scene in front of you with restrained amusement.

"That's what you think. But when she says Papa before Mama, you owe me quite a few kisses, Missy," Jonathan replied, sending you a wink. "C'mon, (Y/D/N). Pa-pa," Jonathan beckoned. Your daughter opened her mouth and Jonathan smiled, expecting the word Papa to come tumbling out of her mouth. Instead, she just burped.

"That sounds so close to Papa from over here," you joked.

"Ha ha, very funny. Well, I think that's enough training for now, (Y/D/N)," Jonathan sighed, setting your daughter down into her crib. She started to whine which caused Jonathan to return to her crib. "Sorry, can't let you out until you say Papa," he told her.

"You're so mean," you rolled your eyes at Jonathan's child-like attitude as you grabbed your daughter out of her crib.

"M . . ." your daughter mumbled, causing you and Jonathan to stop and look at her with surprise. You smirked.

"You might as well give up now, Santos, she's obviously going to say Mama before she says Papa," you stated. You and Jonathan had made a small, harmless bet about if your daughter's first word would be Papa or Mama. If she said Mama first, Jonathan would be on diaper duty for the next week by himself and would have to clean the dishes a few times. If she said Papa first, you'd have to give Jonathan a kiss anywhere, anytime, no matter the circumstances for the next week. It's not that you didn't like his kisses, it's just the fact that you knew Jonathan would have a lot of fun having that kind of power. So you didn't want to deal with his bloated ego for a week and he didn't want to deal with your daughter's bloated diapers for a week all by himself. It was a must win situation for the both of them. "Can you say Mama?" you cooed, bouncing your daughter.

"M . . . m . . ." your daughter continued to mumble. You knew she would do that for a while so you just waited patiently as Jonathan looked over your shoulder with minimal distress.

"The extra diapers are in the cupboard over there. That'll be your new home for the next week," you teased, pointing over to the cupboard.

"The bet is not complete until she says Mama or Papa," Jonathan reminded you, taking your daughter from your arms. "Pa-pa," Jonathan cooed, tickling your daughter lightly. "C'mon, say Pa-pa for me. Pa-pa," Jonathan pleaded. But, your daughter didn't seem keen on listening to either of you or repeating what either of you said, which hadn't ceased to frustrate you and Jonathan.

Putting your daughter down for a nap, seeing as the constant "say Papa" or "say Mama" had tired her out, you and Jonathan walked to the kitchen to fix yourselves lunch. You placed the dishes in the sink, smirking at your husband. "Don't forget to use soap and hot water when you wash the dishes."

"Don't forget to wear that red lipstick you bought last month. Makes your lips all the more tantalizing," Jonathan winked, bumping you with his hip jokingly.

"I hope you don't like those shirts you'll be wearing this week because you know how changing diapers are."

"I think I'll ask for a kiss whenever. I'll wake you up in the middle of the night so that you can give me a kiss," Jonathan wiggled his eyebrows, pressing a kiss to your forehead as the baby monitor buzzed to life.

"And she's up," you sighed. Walking up the stairs to her nursery, you and Jonathan opened the door to the nursery, stepping into the room. Your daughter laid down on the mattress, her limbs moving widely like she was trying to get up. Jonathan walked over and picked her up, holding her at arm's length.

"And how's my beautiful princess?" he asked.

"Pa," your daughter gurgled. Your and Jonathan's eyes widened. "Pa," she repeated.

"I believe I won," Jonathan smirked.

"She didn't say the whole word," you huffed.

"Say Papa," Jonathan cooed.

"Papa," your daughter said, although it was severely choppy and filled with quite a decent amount of gurgling. Jonathan smirked as he repositioned your daughter in his arms. You pouted, and angrily crossed your arms over your chest.

"Mama's a sore loser," Jonathan told your daughter. "Oh dearie!"


"I'd like one of those kisses now," Jonathan wiggled his eyebrows at you. Puckering his lips, he closed his eyes. "I'm waiting." You growled and gave him a quick peck. "Hmm, not good enough. That was unsatisfactory, so I'll be asking for another one, please." You huffed and gave him another kiss, this one longer and deeper than the first. Pulling away, you took your daughter from his arms.

"Happy?" you asked.

"For now," he winked, stealing another kiss before walking out of the room. "Love you," he called over his shoulder as he headed down stairs. Turning your attention to your daughter, you give her a playful glare.

"I carry you around for nine months and this is how you repay me?"

"Papa," was her only response, which made you smile. Throughout the day, Jonathan would pop into the room where you were and ask for a kiss. You had to comply with his kiss wishes or else you would have to do the punishment you had threatened Jonathan with. And you hated changing diapers, so you would just tough it out. Putting your daughter to bed, you walked into your bedroom. Jonathan sat on the bed, reading an article from a magazine.

"I'm taking a shower," you stated, walking into the bathroom. Hopping into the shower, you were in the middle of your shower when the door to the bathroom opened up. You shrieked in surprise, and covered yourself. "JONATHAN DOS SANTOS WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!?!"

"I wanted a kiss."

"You couldn't wait until I got out of the shower?"

"But then it would be as fun," he winked.

"Get out!"

"Not without my kiss!"

"I'm not wearing anything Jonathan! I'm not stepping out of the shower until you get out of here!"

"You act like I've never seen you naked before," Jonathan winked, causing you to blush. "But, I will wait then for that kiss. But, don't bother putting clothes back on, they'll just end up coming off." You threw the shampoo at him as he ducked out of the bathroom.

"Get out!"

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