Cristiano Ronaldo [~] Taken Baby

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You stared up at the woman in disbelief. "You want me to do what?" you asked, still completely shocked.

                "I would like you to hand over your rights to my grandson," Maria, Cristiano's mother, stated.

                "What makes you think I would ever in my right mind sign over my right to my child?" you snarled, narrowing your eyes.

                "You will be paid 10 million dollars for damages," Maria countered.

                "I don't care about money," you shot back, looking down at your sleeping baby. No less than two hours after you had given birth to your son someone was trying to rip him away from you. He had a tuft of dark hair on his head, inherited from his father. His tan skin was also inherited from his father but you were sure he acted just like you. He wasn't extremely fussy and enjoyed your body warmth.

                "You need to think about what is best for Junior," Maria replied.

                "Are you saying I will be a bad parent?" you growled.

                "Not at all, I'm just stating facts. If he were to grow up in Cristiano's care, there would be a support system in place to care for him when Cristiano is away. Cristiano has enough money to keep him healthy and happy," Maria stated.

                "Money doesn't buy happiness," you responded.

                "But it does but health care. And proper clothing, food, and more than you could ever hope to afford," Maria sighed.

                "I can take care of my son. And he will be happy!" you spat.

                "With your job? You're only a waitress. You work long hours in an unsafe environment for a child," Maria stated.

                "I grew up just fine in a single parent home," you shot back at your child's grandmother.

                "I'm just thinking of what's best for your child. Consider my offer," Maria said, before walking out of the hospital room. Sighing, you leant back against your bed. Looking down at Cristiano Ronaldo Junior, you smiled painfully. Would you be an unfit parent? Sure you were a waitress, but you still had enough money for food and clothes. Sure, you didn't live in the best of neighborhoods, but you wouldn't be home much. As you continued to think, the more you became sad.

                The environment you would raise Junior in was not at all the kind he deserved. Looking down at your child again, you started to sob. You didn't want to give him up. Feeling your chest heave, Junior started to wake up. Calming yourself down, you hoped Junior would go back to sleep. Instead, he opened his big brown eyes and stared up at you.

                Opening his mouth, he let out a small yawn before starting to whimper. You quickly began to feed him, not wanting to hear his shrill cries. He settled down and you smiled at your son. Whose happiness was more important, yours or your son's. There was not a doubt in your mind that your son's was more important to you, to everyone. Making your decision, you held back tears and lulled your newborn to sleep. You had one of the nurses take a picture of the two of you. She printed it out for you and you placed it in your bag. Maria returned the next day, carrying a brief case.

                "Have you thought about my offer?" she asked.

                You nodded. "I will sign the papers, my son is now solely Cristiano's," you stated, lumps forming in your throat as you spoke. Nodding, Maria pulled out a piece of paper.

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