Cristiano Ronaldo [~] Assistants Win

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You pulled your hair up into a bun before rushing out of your small apartment. You didn't want to be late. Correction, you couldn't be late for your job. Cristiano Ronaldo had hired you as an "assistant" but you were more of a babysitter who reminded him about what he had to do. You didn't mind at all, you actually enjoyed babysitting Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. more than reminding his father about what he had to do. Rushing out of the taxi, you typed in the code to the gate, before rushing to the front door. As you pushed the door open, you nearly hit Irina Shayk, Cristiano's girlfriend. You apologized, rushing into the kitchen.

"Sorry I'm late, my alarm didn't go off," you told Cristiano, who was sitting in the kitchen on his phone.

"It's no problem. Irina and I are going out for most of the day. When's the meeting with those executives?" he asked.

"Tonight at six, it lasts until nine-ish," you replied, reciting from memory. Cristiano nodded and grabbed his keys. Before he could say anything, Junior bounded down the stairs. Seeming to completely ignore Irina, which amused you to no end, he made a beeline for you, attaching himself to your left leg. "It's just me and you today," you told him, ruffling his hair. Cristiano said goodbye and you heard the front door close.

"Can we go for ice cream, mama?" Junior asked. He had taken to calling you mama, which made your heart swell. It, however, made Irina incredibly pissed off and Cristiano uncomfortable.

"Maybe later, Junior. It's only ten in the morning," you replied. He pouted and stared up at me with puppy dog eyes. "You know that doesn't work on me, Junior," you replied, crossing your arms. He sighed and went to watch TV, knowing that he wouldn't win the argument. You smiled at his actions. Sometimes you just found him too cute. You did end up taking him out for ice cream, which he enjoyed tremendously. You smiled, walking through the streets of Madrid, holding onto Junior's hand tightly.

"Papa!" he shouted, getting out of your grip. You looked up to see Cristiano and Irina in front of you. Junior ran up to his father, who picked him up and placed him on his hip. Irina on the other hand looked angry. She was taller than you, seeing as she was a model, and the heels she was wearing did not make you feel anymore confident.

"What are you guys doing out?" Cristiano asked as you made your way over to them.

"(Y/N) promised me ice cream," Junior stated, remnants of his ice cream still visible on his face. Cristiano smiled and set Junior back down. You all ended up going to lunch together. You sat next to Junior, across from Irina, who glared at you the whole time. Feeling uncomfortable, you focused on the menu, helping Junior pick out what to order. After the waiter got over the shock of seeing Cristiano, you all ordered your food. As the waiter walked away, Irina's stare once again landed on you.

"Cristiano tells me that you're studying. What for exactly?" she asked, sipping her water.

"I want to become a writer, I am just taking a few classes on it," you replied. It was the truth, writing had been your passion for years and you wanted to improve your writing by taking a few online classes. You never really planned on being Cristiano's assistant forever, you just needed a job at the moment. The rest of the lunch seemed more relaxed. After bidding goodbye to Irina and Cristiano, you took Junior back home.

Over the course of the next few weeks, Irina went out of her way to make fun of you or degrade you. Cristiano didn't seem to notice because he didn't say anything about it. Junior, however, noticed it right away and refused to be near Irina. When Cristiano asked him why, Junior replied, "She was mean to mama." Cristiano continued to not do anything about it so you learned to live with the shenanigans Irina caused. Real Madrid had a game today and you were supposed to bring Junior, Cristiano had to go in early for a meeting.

You pulled a Real Madrid jersey with Ronaldo on the back onto Junior before walking out to the car. You drove to the stadium and got out, quickly moving towards your seats. Cristiano's mother sat in the section reserved for the players families and girlfriends. You smiled and greeted her. She was the person to encourage Cristiano to hire you. Your mother had been friends with Cristiano's when they were children and had met up years later. When Cristiano's mother found out you needed a job, she immediately set up an interview. You sat Junior into a chair and watched the match quietly. Irina never showed up, which you found odd because Cristiano had mentioned that she was coming.

You met up with Cristiano after the match, Real Madrid having come out on top. The ride home was quiet for you because Junior had stayed behind with his father as you went home to start dinner for the three of you. Cristiano and Junior returned home later, both eating the pasta almost immediately that you had prepared. After they finished, Junior went to go play. You were about to leave when Cristiano stopped you.

"What do you need, Cristiano?" you asked.

"I just wanted to apologize for the way Irina treated you, it was out of line."

"It's okay," you replied, wanting to not talk about the situation.

"No, it's not. You won't have to worry about her anymore, her and I broke up," Cristiano stated. You were shocked.

"I'm sorry—"

"—Don't be, she hurt my son's mama," he replied, smiling at you before going to play with Junior. You smiled, a blush tinting your cheeks. Cristiano had broken up with Irina because of you, because she had been rude to you. He cared about you, which made you blush more, thinking about the hidden feelings you had for Cristiano. You pushed those feelings down and enjoyed the moment.

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