Ch.21 A war is coming

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I lost everything I had, that monster killed my love in the blink of an eye... he ripped him apart like he was a dirty rag. I couldn't do anything but watch in horror. After killing him his thirst for blood didn't subside he turned his gaze on us and I forced to run.

Us the apex predators of this world were forced to run cower in fear of this beast. The beast hunted down Laurent and I heard his screams. He too died a shameless death. I barely escaped with my life.

The beast and that Bella took everything that I had so I am going to take everything that they have. But I can't act alone. I need soldiers... pawns to do my bidding I will create an army and I will kill what they hold most precious.

That is why I am here, I need a general to lead my army. I was standing on top of a building. In the dead of the night I was a youngman... he looked good and had a good physique... "He will be the first." It started snowing and little snowflakes were falling from the sky like tears.

"Let's have a little taste." I smiled and jumped down the building. He was walking towards the main street. I looked around and there was no one.

I ran towards him and snatched him and took him to the alley way. I pinned him against the wall and he looked scared and helpless. He was baffled as to what was happening. His heart was firing like a machine gun.

He said "Please let me go... I don't have money... Please let me go."

He looks so pathetic, but no worries I will fix him. I made a solemn expression and I said "I am sorry but I must do this... I hope that you find it in your heart to forgive me someday." I then bit into his neck and I injected him with my venom. I then gently placed him down on the ground and his body started to struggle with the venom.

I then sat down next to him and I held his hands and I had a sad expression. He was looking at me and was still confused as to why I was doing this.

You will be my first pawn in this war.


I was in my room with Cat and we were laying on the bed and someone barged into our room and Cat already went out. I looked and it was Bella and I looked out the window and said "It's Bella."

She then came inside and I asked "Yeah?"

She asked "I met Leah today and she asked if you have talked about Jacob with me?"

I looked at her and sighed "What is up with her?"

She looked at me and she shook her head and she said "How can you be so nonchalant about this? Chris, this is about our friend."

I said "The thing is I don't care now Bella, I have tried to talk to him but he doesn't want to hear anything... there is nothing we can do to fix this."

She asked "How do you know?"

I said "Because that's who he is... Bella he is a big baby that will whine until you give him his toy and in this case it is you... so unless you plan on breaking up with Edward... he is not going back to being our friend."

Bella looked at me and said "Unbelievable"

She was walking away and Cat asked "Where is she going?"

I said "Where else... She is going to the reservation."

She looked at me and she said "You are not going with her?"

I said "Haa... I swear to god if she was not my sister..." I then got up and kissed Cat.

I walked out the window and jumped on her truck and she started it and we were on our way to the reservation.

We reached Jacob's house and I said "Try to be in control and don't try to make them angry."

She looked at me and asked "Why?"

I said "They will lose control and transform... I am not saying that I won't be able to protect you, I just don't want to ruin these clothes."

We were at Jacob's house and Bella was about to knock on the door when I heard Jacob, Sam and others coming from behind their numbers have increased.

They were talking and laughing. I turned around and I poked Bella. She turned around and saw how Jacob looked.

Jacob looked at Bella and he had a smile on his face when he saw me. It subsided a little.

Jacob walked over to Bella and Bella said "You've grown."

He chuckled and said "Growth spurt." He then asked "It's been a while since I have seen you... how are you?"

Bella smiled and said "I have been good. How about you?"

He said "I have been working on some stuff keeping myself busy." He then looked around and some others looked at him and had a stupid grin and he asked "Hey do you mind if we talk alone?"

She nodded and said "Sure." I then looked at her and Jacob looked at me and said "I will not do anything to her." She looked at me and nodded and I let her go.

They were walking and I looked at Sam and I asked "Did your number increase again?"

Sam looked back and said "Yeah. How are you doing?"

Some kid said "How is your dead girlfriend?" Some laughed

I threw a glare at him and Sam turned back and said "Show some respect... he has already killed more vampires than you. Get out of here!" They looked at me and left.

Sam then said "I am sorry for them... they are new."

I chuckled and said "They are cubs. They will learn slowly but surely..." I asked "Any signs of Victoria?"

He shook his head and said "Not really... wherever she is she is planning something big."

I sighed and said, "That she is, you need to prepare these cubs to fight because I think a fight is coming our way."

He nodded and then he asked "Why are you suddenly here to meet Jacob?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said "Well, Leah asked me and Bella to come but it looks like he needs Bella more than me."

He asked "You think he will accept all this?"

I shook my head and said "Nope."

He looked at me and he said "I accepted."

I chuckled and said "You accepted all this as an Alpha because we both benefited from it. He will need to make that decision as a friend."

He chuckled and said "Well... I wouldn't say that you are wrong but it doesn't hurt to have a little hope."

I nodded and he asked "Wanna get some beer?"

I nodded and we went to his house to get some beer. We were both drinking and watching Tv then my phone rang... It was Bella.

I picked it up and she said "I am leaving where are you?"

I said "Yeah I am coming... " I then got up and said "Ok I leave now... see you soon."

He walked me out and then I ran towards the truck and I saw Bella in it and I got in and she looked a little shook.

I didn't ask anything. I just got in the car and I said "I'll drive." She nodded and exchanged the seat

I then took the driver's seat and we just drove to the house in silence and she went into her room and I was angry at myself. I shouldn't have left her alone... I don't even know what he has done or said.

I'll ask in the morning... right now it's good that she gets some rest.


Hey guys I hope you liked the chapter, please leave some comments if you liked the chapter and vote as well and I will see you in the next one.

Twilight : OmegaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora