Ch.46 Welcome to the pack

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We all left the battlefield early. Cullen's were quick enough to dispose of many bodies so that it looked like there were originally only a few to begin with but I doubt that the Volturi would buy it, since the whole battlefield sticks to them but they won't be able to do anything without evidence.

I reached the reservation with Leah in my arms. Dad and the others had already reached the reservation and dad was getting dressed. We were near Sam's house. I turned back and went inside the house. Emily guided me to their room and I went inside and laid her down on the bed. Emily went to her side and was in tears.

Leah was unconscious and her hand was looking awfully blue. Sam came inside and he looked at me and asked, "What's happening to her?"

I shook my head and said, "It's getting infected, we need to do something quick." Sam was worried and I asked, "Why isn't she healing? Her body was supposed to heal her right?"

He looked at me and he said, "Yeah, but her healing capabilities are still slower compared to you and Jacob."

I realised why Carlisle had that expression on his face. Bella and Jacob came in and Bella asked, "What is happening to her?" She looked at Leah and saw that mangled arm which was slowly turning blue and black. She gasped and turned away, Jacob grabbed Bella and took her outside.

Sam looked at me and said, "You can save her." Emily turned and looked at me and I grabbed his arm and said, "Yeah, but it can kill her as well. The best possible thing we can do is take her to hospital. We still have time to amputate and she can still be saved."

Emily walked up to me and slapped me across my face and grabbed me and said, "Please save her!"

I grabbed her hands and I looked at her and said, "You understand what it will do to her and what it would mean?"

She looked me in the eyes and said, "You can't run away from it…" I was speechless as she had caught me, she pointed her fingers and said, "You have the power to save her so take responsibility Chris."

I exhaled and Sam grabbed Emily and he looked at me and said, "Please I beg you." I nodded and he took her out of the room. I walked up to her and I sat beside her and I said in a soft tone, "I don't know what will happen to you. I don't know if you will survive but if you do. I'll be with you… I'll take care of you." I grew my fangs and I leaned down and I bit her on her neck and she groaned in pain. I laid her down and waited for the results. She was breathing heavily and I heard her bones move in her mangled arm. The arm untwisted itself and the noise was enough to crep any normal person out. She started to scream in pain.

Emily and Sam walked in and they watched from far, Emily wanted to get closer but Sam held her back. The bones started to move and they were starting to take their place, the muscles also vibrated and the whole arm started to gain its normal colour back and in a few minutes her arm was fixed.

She opened her eyes and she turned and saw me and she was startled and crawled back in the bed. Emily walked up to the bed and sat on the other end and she hugged her and started to bawl her eyes out. Leah had to calm her and she was confused as to what was happening.

As she was comforting her sister she looked at her arm that was mangled and broken and she saw that it was completely fine, better even she moved her arms and she left better I suppose.

Emily asked her, "How are you feeling?"

Leah had a surprised expression and said while moving her hand and said, "I feel amazing." She held Emily by her shoulders and asked, "What happened?"

Emily filled her in and she looked at me and hugged me and I was taken aback but I hugged her back and patted her pack and caressed her hair and she kept saying thank you. When I held her I felt good, it was a warm feeling inside, it felt nice, it was a bit similar to when I was with Cat.  But then she moved back and then she caught a glance and looked away and then I remember I was still naked.

I grabbed the cover and covered myself and Sam said in an undertone, "I am burning that." She looked at me and she said, "I am so thankful."

I smiled and nodded and said, "You should thank Emily and Sam." Her eyes kept looking down, I cleared my throat and I said, "I should leave now, you should take some rest. I'll see you tomorrow."

She smiled and said, "Yeah bye." I grabbed the comforter and got up and I said to Sam,  "You want this?"

He exhaled and rubbed the bridge of her nose and said, "Just leave." I chuckled and I looked back at Leah and said, "See you tomorrow and start buying extra clothes, we tend to burn through them rather quickly."

She blushed and looked down and nodded and Emily smiled and said, "Thank you." I waved at them and the comforter nearly fell. I got out of the house and walked up to dad and Bella and Bella was looking away, Jacob was there as well. Dad threw me a short. I grabbed them and put them on and Bella asked, "How is Leah now?"

I smiled and nodded and said, "She is better, she took the bite easily."

Jacob looked at me and asked, "She is like you now?"

I shook my head and said, "Maybe I guess, she will still have that shapeshifting ability but then there is also the werewolf form. We will know soon. I'll come to check up on her tomorrow."

Jacob and Bella looked at me like I was some weirdo and I asked, "Is something on my face?"

Jacob nodded and said, "Yes, a very stupid smile and that your eyes are turning like red."

I was surprised because Lucien said I needed three wolves to become Alpha. I walked up to Jacob's truck and I saw it in the mirrors. My eyes were turning blood red and they had a little shine in them. There was still no blue left in them.

I chuckled and said, "Well, ain't this interesting."


I was in my room, laying on my bed and I felt like my heart was aching, I kept thinking about Cat. I heard a gust of wind pass and the window opened. I turned my head and I saw that it was Cat. She came in through the window and she saw my face and she laid down next to me.

I asked her, "How did it go with the Volturi?"

She smiled and said, "They bought the whole territory dispute Carlisle feed to them."

I raised my eyebrows and asked, "Really?"

She shrugged her shoulders and said, "They had to because they didn't have any other evidence, the only person left from Victoria's army was a girl and she didn't know anything so they had to buy it."

I asked her, "Where is she then?"

She became silent and I understood and I said, "These bastards are a growing pain in the ass… "

She looked at me and said, "We wouldn't have to worry about it, we will be moving soon." I nodded and I wanted to tell her about Leah and she said, "What do you plan to do with Leah?"

I was stumped and I stuttered and said, "Well, she is part of the pack… so I think I have a responsibility to take care of her."

She smiled and asked, "You think she would like to come to Alaska with us?"

I was a little surprised when she asked that, I shook my head and I said, "I don't know and I don't know if she even wants to be a part of the pack. But more importantly, are you okay with her coming with us?"

She touched my face and she said, "I don't exactly get the whole pack thing but I know that she is important to you."

I smiled and I kissed her on her forehead and I said, "I'll ask when she turns but right now, I just want to spend a quiet evening with you."

She smiled and nodded and she snuggled in closer and I sighed and I thought to enjoy the little period of peace I have cause I am sure something else will pop up at some point.


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