Ch.43 Select your character.

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Riley will be here with his army in a few days as such we needed to prepare for the upcoming battle. We had asked Sam and his pack for help and they were eager to prove themselves in battle. Sam had agreed to help him and his pack will be here today to participate in the training.

The place was decided it was near their territory and the time was after school had finished. After the school ended we all decided to meet there, Esme would pick Charlie from home so that everyone can be there at the same time.

As school finished we all left for training, Cat was with me on the bike. We were the first ones to reach the place, as she got off the bike she looked at the surrounding, it was a small clearing in the woods with large trees, the ground was covered with fallen leaves and damp soil.

We saw that Charlie, Carlisle and Esme were already there. I got off my bike and Carlisle asked "Where are the others?"

I smiled and said, "Left them in the dust."

Carlisle smiled and Charlie got up from his chair and said, "You should be more careful Chris."

Before I could say anything Cat said, "I know he rides like a mad man, my heart comes to my mouth every time."

I chuckled and said, "And here I thought you liked it? Seeing as you stick to me along with the heavy breathing."

She turned and said, "I do~"

After a few moments others arrived as well. Emmett got off the truck and said, "Looks like they have still yet to arrive." Others got off and Rose asked "Do we even know if they will come?"

I nodded and said, "Sam will be here, they are just running a few minutes late that's all."

Bella walked over to Esme and Alice followed and Carlisle said, "Alright then until they get here how about we go over some light sparring sessions?"

I was excited and it showed and Carlisle said, "Who wants to go first?!"

Emmett walked up and Carlisle smiled and then looked at Jasper and said, "Alright how about you Jasper?" Jasper nodded and walked forward. I removed my shirt and jeans and put them on my bike and sat down on the ground. Cat walked and sat next to me.

Emmett and Jasper were gazing at each other and were smiling as they were about to engage the wolves came. I got up and helped Cat get up and Edward said, "They don't trust us enough to be in their human form."

Carlisle walked toward them and said, "They came, that's what matters." he looked at me and I nodded. Bella looked at Jake and said, "Hey."

He replied back Carlisle walked forward and said, "Welcome, Jasper has experience with newborns. He will teach us how to defeat them."

Sam looked at Jasper and asked "How are they any different than you?"

I said, "They are asking how they are any different from you?"

Carlisle explained "They are a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues." he said after pausing for a few moments "Our kind is never more physically powerful… than in our first several months of this life." After Carlisle explained this he let Jasper handle the rest.

Jasper looked at them and said, "Carlisle is right, that's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't require thousands like a human army. And no human army could stand against them." he looked around and said, "The two most important things you need to remember are, first… Never let them get your arms around you. They will crush you instantly. Second… Never go for the obvious kill. They will be expecting that and you will lose." He turned around and said, "Emmett?"

They took a stance and Jasper said, "Don't hold back."

Emmett smiled and said, "Not in my nature." He ran towards him, Jasper tried to hold back but was pushed back quite far, and then Emmett grabbed Jasper from his torso and threw him behind, Emmett was literally fighting like a bull.

Jasper quickly got up and ran towards Emmett trying to take the initiative, Emmett also ran towards him as they came close , Emmett thew a right hook seeing the right hook coming towards him, Jasper manoeuvred and stepped out of the way and pulled on Emmett's clothes bringing him down.

He had a smug smile on his face and said, "Never lose focus."

He gave hand to Emmett but Emmett kicked up and got up on his feet, the next spar was between Edward and Carlisle. It was a quick match even though they both were equally matched in terms of power. Edward used his speed to gain the upper hand as he was celebrating the victory.

He had his hand on his Carlisle's chest and was smiling he looked at Jasper and in a moment Carlisle got up and pinned Edward down and Jasper said, "Never turn your back~"

Rosalie eyed Cat and Rosalie got up. I whispered in Cat's ears, "Make her fall on her ass." She chuckled and I peaked her on her cheeks. She got up and they both met in the middle and Emmett came and stood next to me.

He smiled and said, "This will be fun to watch."

They both calmly approached each other and Cat made the first move. She let out a barrage of hooks at Rosalie but she dodged all of them and caught Cat's hands and smiled. Cat smiled and kicked Rosalie in the stomach and did a backflip freeing herself.

Cat looked at Rosalie and ran towards her Rosalie saw this and ran as well but Cat was more agile and nimble she did a flip and in mid flip grabbed Rosalie and threw her on the ground. Cat gave a hand to Rosalie, she took it and got up.

Cat came to me and smiled and asked, "How was I?"

I chuckled and said, "Like a cat~" She chuckled and tiptoed and kissed me. The next match was between Esme and Alice. I had never seen her in a prolonged fight. It would be fun to see her. They both stood in front of one another and Esme made the first move. She threw a right punch and Alice dodged.

Esme did a roundhouse kick but Alice dodged that as well. Esme let out a barrage of punches all of which Alice dodged. But in the middle of all the punches she went up the tree and Esme couldn't find her. She looked up and Alice dropped down on her back and she won.

The next match was between me and dad. Cat kissed my cheek and said, "Have fun." I smiled and said, "You know I will." The wolves were interested as well.

Charlie and I were removing our extra clothes and Charlie said, "Clear out the area will you." They all knew this was going to be a little serious. We stood in front of each other. The wolves were also interested in seeing this as well.

We both transformed and tore through our clothes. There was a stark difference in height but that didn't necessarily mean disadvantage. This was the first time everyone had seen dad's form and he looked very different from me and it did shock many people. As soon as it started dad took advantage of his speed.

He disappeared from my sight and all of us were shocked. as I was trying to find him with my eyes but suddenly he landed a kick on my face and disappeared again. We never saw him come. All we could make of it was a strong gust of wind.

I chuckled and said, "Using the same strategies eh?" He chuckled and said, "Not the same." He jumped on my back and smashed a large trunk on my back. I lost balance and dropped to the ground. He stood next to me and let out a barrage of punches. His claws were ripping through my hide. They were doing a lot of damage. I was protecting my head by covering it with my hands and then I saw his leg and grabbed it .

I got up and he bared his claws deep in my hand, it would have been  cut through but the wrist was healing fast. I still didn't let him go. I did the same I had done before. I banged him on the ground repeatedly and he was pretty he was a little injured with his ribs being broken but he was still alright. I let go of him and he laid down on the ground. I sat down next to him. His injuries healed and this time I wasn't even out of breath.

The wolves saw the short yet brutal battle and were a little scared right now.

As he was laying on the ground wheezing for breath he looked at me and said, "You really need to go easy on your old man."

I chuckled and laid next to him. I said "I'll go easy on you the day you stop biting and clawing me."

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