Ch.26 Bloody Birthday.

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We reached the school and Cat said "Bella is too worried about this." We were walking toward the class.

I nodded and said "Yeah, but it's not like we can judge her for being a little worried about this."

She looked at me and she said "I get that she is worried but it's not like turning 18 is going to be a big deal."

I chuckled and  said "Well, she needs to get that on her own."

We walked into the class. She has taken all the same classes as me so that she can spend more time with me.

The first class was English and we were sitting at the back and we were watching Romeo and Juliet and most of us sitting in the back were couples.

Edward has also done the same as Cat; he has also taken all of the similar classes to spend more time with Bella. Some of us were watching this and then some of us were busy talking to each other.

It was Edward and Bella and he was talking about how stupid Romeo and Juleit was and essentially describing methods on how to kill Vampires.

Cat was a little embarrassed and he then mentioned the Volturi and everything and Cat looked at me and then Edward blurted everything about who and what the Volturi are and when I heard the name Aro. I was shocked.

Cat then looked at me and  said "It's nothing to be worried about trust me." 

I looked at Cat and I smiled and nodded. Aro from my dreams and this guy could they both be the same?


It was lunch time. We were walking towards Eden. Edward and Bella were already gone they ditched the classes.

Cat looked a little upset and she said "As Edward said the Volturi are like the top dogs of the Vampire world. They follow laws to the word and are very Creul."

She said "But I don't think they will focus on us. Besides, we are planning on travelling for a while. We'll settle somewhere quiet and they'll never know about us."

I looked at her and I said "I am not scared Cat. I am just annoyed that if they come at us I may need to kill them."

She looked at me and laughed and she said "I don't know how but you always manage to put a smile on my face."

I smiled and said "I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise."

She smiled and said "And I promise to support you however I can. Now if the mushy stuff is over with… we should go class is about to start."

I stopped her and said "Do we have to go to class? Today is my birthday." I grabbed her by the waist and I said "Come on."

She looked at me and said "I am not about to do it out in the open."

I said "Come on no one comes here."

She said "I am not risking it when my family is a bunch of vampires that are also obsessed with wildlife and forests."

I sighed and said "Ok fine…"


We were home and we were getting ready. Charlie had come home early to celebrate our birthday. 

I was wearing a white shirt and black plants and a black jacket. I didn't do anything extra. I was going for a simplistic look.

We went downstairs and Bella was wearing the dress that Alice gave her and she was also wearing the earrings and the pendant that we gave her.

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