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TW kidnapping violence swearing

You woke probably an hour later, to the smell of cigarette smoke. The smell was almost comforting for some reason you didn't know why but it was.

"Oh look whos awake, mornin' sunshine." The voice in front of you called, the guy that was called masky. You wouldn't say a word to them, so instead you looked out the window, trees, a lot of trees it was still dark though.

"Here." The voice of the man in the passenger seat called and you saw his arm reach out he was holding a bottle pop, (f/f) pop that made your skin crawl. It wasn't like you bought it that much.. But of course he fucking knew..

"Are you gonna take it or not? Im not holding my arm here all day." He said patience wearing thin. You looked at it again and slowly reached your hands out to grab it. You took it out of his hand and brought it closer to yourself. You weren't going to drink this, right now at least, you were holding it in your lap wondering if you were going to die right after the car stopped, maybe the pop was drugged.

You heard the guy in front of you mumble something about not saying thank you. God this guy sounded like a dad, you looked around the car it was an average car what could you say. looking into the rearview mirror and catching Brian's eyes you quickly looked away back out the window. He gave a soft chuckle. Asshole.

God, your hands were asleep and you couldn't even do anything about it you were going to start biting the zip tie if they didn't take them off soon.

"You hungry?" Brian asked. You were, you were always hungry but you didn't really want to take food from a killer. You looked back to him, he was looking at you through the mirror you shook you head, and he hummed in response looking over to his companion and shaking his head.

"Suit yourself.." He said quietly. You heard him shuffle and heard a lighter he was smoking. In. The. Car. This bitch didn't even roll his window down, you always gave your mother shit for smoking in the car, ah, thats why you found comfort in the smell. Thats right your mom was a smoker, and they probably killed her.

"Tim," Brian's voice called. The man that was called masky now gets an real name, Tim. "Roll down the fucking window."

You assumed he probably rolled his at him or something, but he did anyways, the smoke went out the window but the smell lingered in the car. This was getting annoying, you brought your wrists to your face and started gnawing on the part where its tied? You had no idea how these things worked.

After biting at it for about a minute your teeth hurt and you weren't getting anywhere so you stopped. Maybe you'd drink that pop now. Wait. This guy are you fucking kidding me, how was I supposed to open this. You let out a small huff. You wanted this pop you were going to get it, your going to use your teeth.

You brought the pop bottle to your mouth and bit the cap with your back teeth and twisted the bottle. The fizzing sound was heard, you did it, you continued twisting the bottle until just the cap was in your mouth. You let it drop from your mouth into your lap.

(f/f) Was the best, Then you remembered who gave it to you and suddenly it wasn't so good. You looked back out the window. This reminded you of late night drives with your father, before he left of course. It was a bittersweet memory.

The car slowing down brought you out of your thoughts. A side road? Tim got out of the car and walked to the gate opening it and moving to the side. The car passed through and Tim closed the gate, he walked back to the car and got back in.

"Almost there princess." Tim said to you and you cringed.

Brian spoke up. "Yep almost at your new home, sweetie." He was fucking with you. New home? Like hell, where ever you were going was to be your new home. You let out a huff and spilled some on the floor of the car. You don't think they noticed. Or they didn't care.

The car started up again.

After 30 minuets of silence, driving and awkwardly sipping on pop, the car pulled up to a cabin. It had two floor and a porch you can't see much from the outside it looked like maybe a family vacation home, maybe a summer home.

Brian parked the car in front of the cabin and got out of the car and slammed the door he walked to the trunk and opened it taking your (f/c) suitcase out.

"Hey," Tim paused to look at his companion walk into the cabin, then continued talking. "Don't try anything. This place is dangerous and you clearly don't know how to defend yourself." He said and light another cigarette before getting out of the car.
Excuse me, he said that as if I didn't kick his jaw and fucking break his nose.

Tim opened the car door and grabbed your arm basically pulling you out of the car. Asshole. He slammed the car door shut and started dragging you inside.

Once we were in the cabin he took of his shoes, and locked the door there was like seven locks.

The cabin was fair sized maybe like five people could live here the living room was on the left side of the door. It was carpeted a kinda ugly brown grey colour there was a big brown couch and a ugly beige arm chair it looked super old. No TV, sad really.

The kitchen was on the right side of the door it had wood floors and yellowish walls it looked like a mess. Wood cabinets and counters and a island, it had three stools it was most likely where they ate.

In front of you were stairs they were carpeted.

Tim lead you to the living room and sat you down on the couch, your suitcase was on the ground beside the couch. The silence was so uncomfortable and unbearable. You wanted to say something but couldn't think of the right thing to say. And you wouldn't say anything anyways because these people were fucking insane.

acting skills (yandere masky x reader x yandere  hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now