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Where were you? You'd never seen this place before, you thought it looked just like a normal town house... Were you in town, or still in the middle of butt fuck no where? Well the place looked pretty run down and you couldn't see out the windows because of how dark it was outside. You slowly got off the floor and began looking for something to protect yourself with.

You've learned from many things this should always be the first thing you do in a unknown location. Of course had you known that earlier a lot of things could've been prevented, not the entire kidnapping though, way back then you could hardly lift a jug of milk without your arms wanting to fall off. Good times.

You couldn't find anything in this room, but you weren't sure if you wanted to move on to the next room. There was two entry ways one a door and the other way probably into a hallway or a kitchen. You decided to go the later way, it was a hallway there was three doors and what looked to be a kitchen at the end. You silently walked down the hallways checking behind you every so often to make sure you didn't get jumped. The kitchen was pretty empty nothing really in here. It could use a good cleaning though..

You did a quick look around the kitchen nothing you needed or important here.. You should look for a door out. You walked back into the hallway and got down on your stomach to try and look under the doors just incase. The frist door was a bedroom this one would be last.

You walked over to the next door it seemed like stairs to the basement your probably wouldn't be going in there at all. You looked under the last door and it apread to be just a regular bathroom. You stood back up and dusted yourself off and headed back to where you woke up. There still wasn't anything here except for the door you would assume this door would lead to a mudroom of sorts being as you could find a exit door anywhere. You slowly twisted the handle and pulled the door open. It was a mud room the exit door was just right there great. You walked towards the door and grasped the knob, your tried twisting and pulling none of that worked.

Well.. You probably should've guessed it was going to be locked but if it wasn't and you were just sitting in a room panicked you would never forgive yourself, that would be so embarrassing.. you silently walked back to the hallway you were gonna try and crawl out a window this shit was boring.

You actually went to the kitchen frist and grabbed something that could be used as a weapon. You found a small pearing knife and figured it would do.

You found a room with a decent sized window for you to crawl out of, only problem was there was a guy there, normally you wouldn't care and just slit the fuckers throat and leave. But the man who happened to be asleep was that Alex guy Tim and Brian had tide up awhile ago.

He was also a proxy meaning you couldn't do shit to him that would stop him from working. Because the healing process took awhile and uses the Operators energy.

Also who the fuck falls asleep when the have a captive?? An untied captive.

He was lucky you couldn't do anything-

"What the fuck are you doing."

Fuck me-

"Uhm, how bout what the fuck are you doing!? You asshole did you just think you could kidnap me and I wouldn't try to leave!?"


And then he lept at you and tried to grab your throat. Honesty he was quite predictable, it was clear he wasn't the best at hand to hand combat, so he restored to used cheap moves such as one like this. One easy to block and flip it on them. All you had to do was side step them or grabbed their wrist and use the force they were using to lunge at you to flip them over.

And thats what you did like a fucking badass, you grabbed his wrist shoved it forward then used his own force to flip him over.

(Btw you can actually do that ik a lot about shit like that and u can do it I just suck a explaining things)

You couldn't help but snicker when he fell on the ground.

"Well what did you expect you asshole?" You say as he reaches under the bed to grab somthing.
You should never get to full of yourself.

Thats why your here on the ground bloody and beaten with a gun to your head you being able to flip him over was just a lucky hit really...

Even if you couldn't die... Having a gun being pointed at you was terrifying. Even if you couldn't die... The thing was you could, if the Operator decided he had no use for me after getting shot he wouldn't heal me.

Thats why you weren't doing anything to defend yourself as you get shoved down the stairs, gun to the back of your head and tears spilling from your eyes.

Alex was a cheap asshole who knew how to get what he wanted, and right now he wanted you. Supposedly to get back at Tim and Brian for something they had done to him in the past.

You honestly despised him even more for that, you had nothing to do with it.

Although he was predictable and and liked cheap ass moves he was still stronger than you and had the gun. Thats why you were doing these things right now, walking down the stairs flipping over a carpet opening a trap door and allowing yourself to be cuffed up.

You were humiliated, how dare he do this to you. You hated him for bringing you into personal problems.

So you sat in a dark and small room that smelled gross and cried. You fucking cried, because you were locked in here and wasn't not able to get out. This was so stupid where were Brian and Tim?? Surly you've been gone for awhile they most be at least a little confused about your where abouts.

They were on a mission the last time you were home right..? How long would it take for them to find you then? Fuck this shit.

You bashed your head against the cement wall. Till you felt blood leak from your forehead and until you felt dizzy.

acting skills (yandere masky x reader x yandere  hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now