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Tim had got you all the stuff you asked for that night. He left you and Brian in the car. It was pretty late when we left the diner we were there for like two and a half hours so by the time we left it was 8 pm.

"So (y/n) did you have fun?" Brian asked. You hummed and nodded your head. You actually did have a good time. "You know the only reason Tim agreed to doing any of this is to make it up to you for breaking your legs." What? Well you figured but did he really say that?

"You know you helped him.."  You let it slip out. You didn't mean to he looked at you through the mirror and you glared at him. You were in a fairly good mood until he said anything.

You saw Tim come back with a couple bags like four or five you assumed it was more stuff for the house. He popped open the trunk at put the bags in. Tim walked over to the drivers side and hopped in.

He didn't say anything just buckled up and began driving. It didn't take long for you to feel tired. You closed your eyes just for a bit then snapped them opened when you heard cough. It hadn't been as bad as the first time he had done it in front of you.

After his coughing slowed down you decided to speak. "Are you alright?" You asked him in a sweet soft voice. He just nodded and gave a thumbs up. You bit the inside of your cheek and nodded.

You looked outside the window you swore you saw a man? He looked really tall and well dressed not someone you see one the edge of town. You couldn't make out his face you didn't have time the car drove to quickly. You sighed he looked somewhat familiar witch is strange you didn't know many people.

You looked forward again we had just got to the back road. Brian got out of the car and opened the gate this time. you had now known two was to escape and you were going to. You just need the chance.

We finally pulled up to the cabin. When the car was parked you opened your door and stepped out. You waited for Brian and Tim to begin walking before you did. You stepped onto the porch and looked around you so many trees..

Tim opens the door and held it open for you. "Thank you.." You said quietly while heading inside. It was so sad this was the last time you would see this place you were leaving tonight. Then leaving state make sure they would never find you again. And they won't...

Brian had brought in the begs and set one down on the couch that must be yours. While he put away whatever was in the other bags you and Tim sat down together. You sat close to him he was warm and you were so cold. Why were you cold?

You looked outside the window, huh? There he was the tall fancy man. Why was he here? You were going to call out to him but Brian had called your name.

"(y/n) you can open the bag." He said. You nodded and grabbed one of the things form the bag witch was a small jewelry box. You opened it is was one with a ballerina inside and played a song. You had one of these when you were younger your dad bought it for you. Inside the box was a necklace it looked exactly like the one your mother had..

Next thing in the bag was a pair of shoes witch would be useful for later tonight. You looked at Tim and gave him a small hug. "Thank you.. Could you help me put on the necklace?"

"Sure thing." He said he sound almost reassured. You turned around and moved your (h/l) (h/c) out of the way. He silently put the necklace on you. It was so pretty...

"Thanks so much." You said and turned back around and you gave him a smile. He smiles back.

Brian he went upstairs right after you opened the bag. You picked up your stuff and began walking up the stairs yourself you were going to put your stuff away.

Your mind wondered a bit while you walked into your room. Who was that man? Why did he seem so familiar?  You had many questions.

You set your jewelry box down on the nightstand and sat on your bed. You slipped your shoes on they fit just perfect. You read the time. 10:21. Already? wow time files by when your not paying attention.

You needed to leave. You creeped out of your room it was pitch black the hallway lights were off they must both be sleeping... You quickly walked downstairs and looked around no one was there.

You tried the door it was locked of course it was. You looked over to kitchen window and slid it open then pulled of the screen. You climbed onto the counter and jumped out.

It wasn't a far drop at all. Then you began to run and run and run. You didn't stop not once you were swore and it hurt to breathe but you refused to stop. After about an hour of running you were at the gate. so you ran for a long time you only stopped once the gas station came into view.

You were almost there.. just a few more steps.. You were out of breath as you ran into the store.

"Please someone call the police-"

You woke up. (aha prank wars) You were still in the car tears welled up in your eyes. That was cruel... Why couldn't it be real? You looked down at your still very broken legs.

Fuck your life. You hated everything and everyone. You wanted to desperately to leave. You stared crying now you let the tears flow out. You couldn't stop them.

Brian looked at you form the mirror. "(y/n)?" He called to you. "Is everything alright?" He asked. You looked at Brian.

Tim gave Brian a concerned look. "Y-yeah i'm sorry I just.." You needed to think of something fast you missed your mother or today reminded you of your past either could work.

"Shh it's ok.." Brian said in a oddly soothing voice. You don't now why but it calmed you down. You looked at him and nodded before wiping your tears and looking back out the window.

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