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TW violence swearing

You woke up the next morning light shining through the window. You sat up from the bed. You looked around and it hit you this was not your room.

Oh God, your moms gone. And your stalkers have you locked up in a room, shit.

Your hands run through your hair you were trying to calm yourself down and you were failing.

You pushed yourself off the bed and paced around the room. The window. Walking over to the window you remembered it was nailed shut the nails would take a awhile to get out but you could probably do it.

You heard the lock on your door click. But the door never opened maybe they thought you were still asleep or something.

You opened the drawer that held your hygiene stuff in it, taking your toothbrush and hair brush out. You placed your toothbrush on top of the nightstand and grabbed your toothpaste putting it beside the toothbrush.

You had no idea where the bathroom was so you'd have to find out soon..

This was probably a pathetic attempt at keeping yourself sane with a morning routine. It was kinda working you weren't freaking out or crying so that was good.

You sat on the floor and began brushing same way mom taught you. Or trying to anyways. You would figure it out later...

You sighed and stood up grabbing your toothbrush and toothpaste with one hand. You didn't want to leave the room but.

This was needed. You opened the door and looked into the hallway no one was there. You still didn't know where the bathroom was so you would have to guess.

You awkwardly made your way out of the room and looked at the door beside the door you had just come out of.

You hesitated for a good minute before slowly turning the knob and pushed the door open just a crack to see if it was the bathroom. Trying to be as quiet as possible. You looked into the room it was dark you could hardly see but something told you this wasn't the bathroom.

And maybe that something was the sound of snoring. This was either Brian's or Tim's room. You weren't going to stick around to find out.

Slowly closing the door and backing away you turned towards the door on the other side of the hallway. Stepping towards the door exhaling before twisting the knob and slowly opening the door.

It was not the bathroom this room wasn't dark the curtains were drawn and you could see everything. That included the wall full of printed pictures and polaroids.

You were right he had so fucking many. You assumed this was Brian's room the camera form yesterday sitting on top of a dresser. This room was surprisingly clean no clothes on the floor at all the only thing that seemed even slightly messy was blankets on the bed.

You took a step back and bumped into someone. You yelped in surprise.

"Ya'know snooping isn't nice." Neither was kidnapping and murdering, but here we are. Brian it was Brian. You turned your head to look at him. Finding your self fiddling with your fingers again.

"I-I was just looking f-for the bathroom.." You quickly explained. He gave a slight chuckle and pushed you aside to close the door and pointed to the last room you had to check.

"It's that one." He said plainly. "Oh when your done come downstairs. I made breakfast."

You nodded and headed into the room closing the door behind you. You began brushing your teeth really hard to hard your gums were bleeding. It was a nasty habit of yours.
Spitting the last of the toothpaste out of your mouth your eyes wondered to the mirror. Yes you were in front of it but you were to busy brushing your teeth to notice, but you had a big ugly bruise on your forehead form flying into the wall.

As if on que your shoulder and side were hurting now, oh yeah that happened you didn't expect there to be a bruise on your shoulder or forehead but your side was guaranteed. You lifted your shirt to check your side. It was bigger than your own hand, fucks sake. Looking at it made it hurt more funny how that happens.

Unlocking and walking out of the bathroom you remembered Brian had told you to go downstairs. Like hell you would! The thought of it made you angry he just expected you to go downstairs and eat breakfast with him you would rather starve!

Well maybe not but still these assholes want you to eat with them like they didn't just kidnap you and kill your mother.

You walked into the room that you were staying in and closed the door slowly you almost half expected Brian to come in here and tell you to get your ass down stairs. But he didn't.

You waited in your room for a good half hour before you heard anything. It was movement in the next room Tim's room he was just getting up. You take it he wasn't a morning person you assumed you woke up around 9ish so it was probably like 10:30 maybe somewhere around that time.

You hated not knowing what the time was it made you feel actually insane. For some reason. You always liked knowing things especially where your Dad was you kinda missed him sometimes.

But really you needed to get the fuck outta here. Yes you (y/n) are going to find a way out of a cabin with murders in it surrounded by woods. Go (y/n) you are really girl bossing. Your going to get yourself killed.

Your door opened. It would really suck if this guy could read minds.

"So you are awake." It was Tim. Fuck. He pushed the door open further and walked into the room.

acting skills (yandere masky x reader x yandere  hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now