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It had been at least a week since you were punched. Tim had not got you the clock you asked for and whenever you asked about it he just brushed you off.

Tim said behave and he would get you one and you have been behaving. So maybe he was just lying. Damn.

During the week you had reorganized your drawers like five times. It was boring and quite here. You slept most of the time but when you were awake there wasn't much to do except talk to Tim and Brian but that's something you didn't really want to do.

You found your old mp3 player and headphones after the first time rearranging your drawers. You had quit a few songs on there. Listening to music helped pass the time but you still didn't have much to do. You could read or draw but you didn't feel like either of those things.

Taking your ears buds out and stopping the music you sighed and sat up, legs swinging over the side of the bed.

You stood up and walked over to your door you needed human interaction even if it was with murders. Pushing the door open you looked down both ends of the hall no one was there.

You walked down the stairs and looked into the kitchen and the living room no one was there. So you assumed they were in there rooms which was normal but you wanted to talk to them or someone.

Sighing in defeat you walked to the living room and sat down on the couch it was old like really old. It reminded you of your dad's couch. He basically lived on that thing. You wonder about him all the time everything was so great then he just left. No warning no goodbye no nothing.

You really wished they at least had a tv maybe they did in Tim's room. You never really got a good look in there. You would to check or you know ask. But you didn't really want to ask about that.

You hadn't even heard the footsteps coming down the stairs you only noticed the figure when they had an extreme coughing fit. Hey it was Tim.

You stared at him for a good minute before he stopped coughing. That was so wreid is he like sick or something? "Are you alright?" You said in a soft voice.

He snapped his head over to you. "Oh, yeah i'm fine happens all the time. I didn't see you how long you've been sitting there?"

"uh a g-good 10 minutes.." You said quietly.

"Ah alright. Are you hungry?" Tim asked you. To be honest you weren't hungry you just came down here to talk to them or one of them.

You shook your head in response. "But um you know how I asked about a clock I was wondering when-"

"Oh yeah I forgot about that." Tim cut you off. "I'll get that when I go out."

You nodded "Wait, when will that be are you leaving soon?" You sounded like a desperate child.

"Oh yeah we will be leaving for a couple days for something we'll get you the clock on the way back." Brain spoke up. You had no idea how long he was standing there. Probably since Tim's awful coughing fit. Yeah made sense.

"But what if I try to leave? You guys cant leave me alone!" You couldn't be alone not here as much as you hate to say this you needed them to be here.

"Aww (y/n) darling we will only be gone for three days at most." Brain said. You hated all the names you got called here.

You didn't reply to him you just sighed and looked away. They were idiots they cant leave you a hostage alone. Maybe it was a test to see what you would do.

Wait this one out you'll have another chance there's always another chance...

Stay here and gain trust it's three days a break from them you'll be fine you can handle begin alone for three days.

You didn't even know you moved you were already halfway up the stairs how did you get here? What? You continued walking up the stairs he murders didn't say anything.

(third person pov)
"I think she's a little upset." Tim spoke up breaking the silence.

"Yes Tim thank you for pointing out the obvious." Brain said sarcastically.

"Shut up you ass. No but really why was she so upset?" Tim asked.

"Human interaction Tim she needs and craves it. If we cut her off form it for awhile she'll need it even more and start 'warming' up to us."

Tim hummed in response and walked outside probably to smoke a cigarette or two.

(back with (y/n))

Why did she feel this way she hated them she wanted them gone! She needed an out but she would have to wait she wouldn't get a chance like this again!

(y/n) decided she would use the three day she would try to leave. Of course she would probably fail but she needed to leave she couldn't do it anymore, they were infecting her mind!

After and if she succeeded in escaping where would she go? She had no one her mother was the only one who cared. They had no way of contacting there father.

And how long would it be until they find her again? Surely they would find her she couldn't hide from them she knew it was hopeless. There was no escaping them they were always there. She couldn't get away from them!

(y/n) was hysterically sobbing she had been for minutes now. The men downstairs most likely heard her but they didn't tell her to shut up.

Her head was in between her knees her hands were clutching and pulling her hair out. How could she keep doing this. What was happening I want my mother back i want to be held by her again.

Like a little child. A hurt sad child... You were truly pathetic. Just a sad little girl who missed her parents even if one didn't love her.

(y/n) slowly stood up and walked towards her window looking outside she saw Tim on the porch smoking she missed the smell. She missed so many things form her old life.

She will leave this place she didn't want to think the things she did. She hated them she didn't need them.. However she was entirely wrong she did need them they were the only ones she 'knew' aside from her mother who was gone...

She sighed and pushed herself away form the window walking around the room just to do something that wasn't reading.

(also i'm open to requests or books all you have to do is ask i will most likely get around to it it might take awhile tho)

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