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                           walking it had been awhile you were walking along the road there were hardly any cars out here. And you had no idea which way you were going you hopped it was this way.

You didn't exactly have a plan so you supposed you would just walk until you found the gas station form when you were first taken.

What would you do when you got back? You had no where to go. You'd have to to get a job and find a place to stay till you had enough money to stay somewhere else.

Your legs hurt so much from walking you should find a place to rest for the night after all you still had two days.

You began walking off the road and into the trees. Far enough in to not be seen by any passing cars but no far enough in to get lost. This was going to be so uncomfortable.

You sat down leaning against a tree the bark digging into your skin this was going to be a long night.

Closing your eyes was hard you were scared they would come back early and find you here. Hopefully they would stay out for the three days they said they would.
How could you fall asleep like this? You didn't know but you did. It wasn't a very fulfilling and you felt even more tired when you woke up but at least your legs didn't hurt.

It was still dark outside so you assumed you had only gotten a hour or two of sleep. You stood up to quickly you almost fell back down.

Which way did you come form again? That way? Yeah you think so and off you trot. It shouldn't take you to long to get to the road you only went so far in.

There she was in all her glory the road! Since it was day time you would walk along the tree line in hopes not many people would see you.

And if someone did see you you hoped they'd be driving a police cruiser. Walking walking walking.
For hours you'd seen seven cars pass by god this was boring and tiring.

You just wanted to be with your mother who was dead you missed her so much. You hated them for what they did to her and to you.

You never wanted to see them again you would move towns something that you should have done as soon as you were of age. Actually after dealing with the police you should leave immediately catch a ride to the next city.

Get a job there leave this awful place behind forever. Work there for awhile and if anything mildly bad happens leave to the next city.

You would be taking your mothers car and her saved money and leaving. You hoped you'd never see them again but something in you said you needed them.

But you didn't! They only made you miserable. You would so report them to the police when you got back to town you knew what they looked like. And there first names hopefully that would be enough.

Though it probably wouldn't be. After that nights events you didn't really think the police would be much help.

Another car passed. Nothing remarkable sadly it was so boring just walking with nothing to do. You had time why didn't you bring a jacket or your really fucking old mp3 player.
It was about midday now the only reason you could tell was because of the sun. Which was burning your face so you moved into the tree line for shade.

God you could not walk for any longer you needed a break. You walked into the trees again and layed beside a tree.

A couple minutes passed by and you got up.

The sun was beginning to set now and something had just come into view it was the gas station!!!

Yes you were so close nothing could stop you now! Maybe once you got there you would ask to use the phone. And you could call the police and tell them what happens you could even show them to the cabin.

As soon as you had hope it was shattered. By a car it looked like the very same one you had been taken in and seen Tim and Brian leave in. No you were so close.

The car was still going a normal speed meaning the hadn't seen you yet. You began running towards the gas station the car had just passed you as it began to slow down.

You didn't look behind you as you knew they were already getting out of the car. How could this happen you still had one more day!?

Running faster and faster you were so close you could hear there foot steps. Please luck be on your side for once.

Brian had lunged at you his arms wrapped around your shoulders and knocked you down. You were sobbing you only asked once.

Why just this one time you wanted something to go your way but no you never get what you want. You were shaking and crying in the middle of the road you hopped they just killed you after this.

Brian had stood up and pulled his gun on you was it happening?

"Get up." He said he sounded so angry. You slowly and shakily stood up. "Start walking to the car." You regretted it so much his voice was so threatening and mad you felt so guilty and for what.

When you reached the car Tim had opened the door and shoved you in.

"I-i'm sorr-,"

"Shut up!" Tim cut you off and said loudly and slammed the car door shut. You would most definitely get some sort of beating once you all got back to the cabin.

You had really screwed up. This was awful just thinking about all the horrible things they would do to you once you got back to the cabin.

Please oh please someone have mercy on you. The car started moving Tim and Brian looked so pissed off. You had quieted your crying in order to not piss them off further.

The drive felt so much longer then the last time even though you were in the car for the full time last time. You were here again at the cabin the place you had run form.

You wondered how they would react to the broken window. You would most definitely not be getting the clock now. Why had they come back early?

You were pulled out of your thoughts and the car. Everything seemed like a blur your vision was messed up your thoughts were scattered and it was getting a lot harder to breathe.

You looked towards Brian? Yes that was Brian he had his yellow hoodie on. You tripped over your own feet and fell.

You put your hand to your head and brought it back down to see it it was covered in blood. It seems maybe they wouldn't have to beat you up so soon.

You had completely blacked out.

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