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2:13. It was time Tim and Brian had both passed out downstairs. This was almost to perfect. You got up and snuck into his room. There wasn't many place the keys could be maybe he hid them in his pocket that would be smart but assuming he thought you still weren't able to walk they should be in here..

You checked his drawers and closet even under his mattress you checked in the pockets of clothes that were on the floor. Which you felt gross for doing. Wait Brian got the pizza right so he had to have them.. You walked back towards the closet and grabbed the crowbar that was on the shelf in the back. You almost couldn't reach it.

You made you way into Brian's room. The keys were right fucking there on his desk. As if he didn't think of the possibility you'd been planing something like this. That was very out of character for him. Did Toby sell you out? No, he wouldn't have..

Everything so far has gone you way. The universe never allowed that. Maybe it was taking pity on you. Even if that was the case you better move quick. They were both down there could you take them..? They were both much more strong than you. Get them while they're asleep. Just like they did to me.

She was back you turned around you could only see her shadow as if she wasn't really there.

"Go away.." You were pumped up. How dare this thing impersonate your mother! Your not real! NOT REAL NOT REAL NOT REAL!!!!

You swung the crowbar at her and she disappeared. Like fog. Your so lucky you didn't hit the wall. That would have woken them up for sure. You walked down the stairs Tim was passed out on his arm chair and Brian on the couch. As much as you hated them you weren't one to make people suffer. Tim would be first.

You walked around the couch and over to his arm chair. You had no idea how to do this. You held the crowbar above your head. You hesitated couldn't you just take the car and leave..? No they would find you again you had to end them..!

Static filled your head as you swung at him. You heard and awful crack it was debatably worse then then sound you legs made. He head was turned to far one way. He was a goner.. The static did not leave. As if it was telling you to finish the other one.

You turned around Brian stood there he seemed shocked he wasn't expecting that form you. He jumped at you. You grabbed his shoulders and threw him away form you. You had no idea what that was. It didn't feel like you at all. You were not in control...

He was still recovering when you turned to him you kicked him in the side just hard enough to stop him from getting back up so quickly.

"Bye Brian."


That was such a unnatural way for his head to be twisted. The static left. You dropped the crowbar and ran outside to the car.

You quickly unlocked the door and started up the vehicle. You stepped on the gas and got the fuck out of there. Being as they were dead you really didn't have to hurry.

But you were going to anyways because of a fucking adrenalin rush. So there you were speeding on the fucking backroads because you just fucking killed two people trying to at least get to the gas station. You had enough gas to get to town.

Maybe some cop would pull you over once you got on the other main road. Maybe they would recognize you even. Oh my goodness aren't you that person who went missing a couple months ago because we suck at our job?!? Yes , yes I am.

You hadn't driven in such a long time it felt so wried but after awhile you got used to it. The gas station came into view. You should stop here. And that's what you did. You pulled over and hopped out of the car. This gas station was open 24/7 which you are so grateful for.

You quickly ran into the store.

"H-hey could I borrow your phone..?"

(this chapter is super short because mossy_wossy_wu  dosnt like the pepperoni song blame them)

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